when love dies | stiles stilinski

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"scott, i just don't think i love her anymore..." stiles said on the phone to scott, you were about to walk into his room when you heard him tell scott that. you froze on the spot, you'd been dating stiles for three months now and you thought you were both smitten but those few words that he spoke made your heart sink.

you felt tears start to form in your eyes and you ran to his front door and out of his house, you heard his dad calling after you.

stiles hung up the phone and ran downstairs to see what his dad was shouting about.

"y/n was here but then she just ran off!" he shouted, looking at stiles, "you wouldn't have anything to do with it would you?"

"of course not, i didn't even know she was here!" stiles paused, "oh."

"that doesn't sound good, son." sheriff stilinski looked disapprovingly at his son.

"i was on the phone to scott and she must've overheard me... saying that i didn't love her anymore." stiles looked down at the floor as his dad looked looked at him curiously.

"i thought you loved her?" his dad asked.

"i did.. i mean," stiles let out a deep breath, "i just don't know what i want anymore, i know y/n loves me but i just can't give her that love back that she deserves."

"well, you better go and find her." his dad said.

"you're right." stiles said, and then he ran towards his jeep and got in to go and drive around to look for you.

he didn't have to look for long as he saw you walking along the road up ahead.

he drove up besides you and parked up on the side of the road and got out.

"y/n?" he said, jogging to catch up to you.

"i don't want to talk, stiles." you replied, wiping the tears from your face.

"i own you an explanation at least..." he trailed off as you turned around to face him. his heart sunk when he saw the tears that still fell down your face.

"y/n..." he started.

"stiles... i know." you said, and you used the sleeve of your jumper to wipe the tears from your face.

"no... you don't. look... what i said was true," he took a deep intake of breath, "i... i don't love you anymore, god i know you love me y/n and it does break my heart to see you upset but you deserve someone who can give you unconditional love." and at that moment you broke down in tears and stiles stepped towards you and wrapped his arms around you, which really didn't make it better.

"stiles..." you mumbled into his shirt, "i just want to know one thing..."

"yeh?" he said as he rested his head on top of yours.

"did you ever love me? during our time together?" you asked quietly.

"of course i did. so much." he moved his face towards yours and he whispered in your ear.

"then what made you stop loving me?" the tears had stopped now but you didn't want to let him go.

"i just... i'm in love with someone else and it wouldn't be fair to you." he said, his heart began thumping fast.

"it's lydia, isn't it?" you asked, knowing the answer already.

"yes." he said, hugging you tighter.

you rested your head on his chest as you knew it was going to be the last time you were going to be this close to him.

hope you guys enjoyed this imagine :)
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