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a/n,, thank you guys so much for 30k
i really appreciate you guys reading and
voting and commenting it means a lot
to me and i'll keep writing these as long
as you guys keep wanting to read them :)

"hello?" you knocked on scott's door, it was already open so you decided to just head inside, "scott? is anyone here?"

you heard creaking upstairs and you decided to follow the noise, "scott? come on, you're scaring me now."

you walked straight to his bedroom and peered inside, no one was there. you looked in all of the other rooms and no one was there. "ok scott, you can stop hiding now..." 

"scott's not here." you heard a familiar voice say, you turned around and saw stiles.

"stiles? what are you doing here?" you looked him up and down, he was weirdly pale and his clothes looked darker than what he usually wore.

"i have a key, obviously." he smirked, "but the question is what are you doing here?"

"well scott offered to help me with something, and his door was open so i decided to come in..." you stepped nervously backwards, something wasn't right about the way stiles was staring at you.

"you're not afraid of me are you, y/n?" he sneered, not trying to act like stiles anymore.

"no.." you looked around for anything within reach that you could use as a weapon if he tried to move closer to you.

"you know, y/n. you can't hurt me, you can't even kill me, so there's no point in trying to look for a weapon." stiles said, as if he could read your mind.

"i wasn't..." you started to say before he cut you off.

"darling, you can stop with the innocent act i know you're afraid of me." he laughed then, a deep, dark laugh that echoed throughout the mccall household.

"you know... being back in this body is satisfying." stiles stretched out his arms and admired them, "i was sick of just being a spirit drifting from body to body, now i can actually do what i need to do."

"and what do you need to do?" you said, buying yourself time.

he looked at you with curiosity, "i'm here to cause chaos." he smiled then, a sick and twisted smile that you'd never seen stiles face do before.

before you could say anything else he stepped closer to you, so close you could see the dark bags under his eyes. "but first, i need to get rid of you, after all, we can't have you tell everyone that i'm evil now can we?"

"please... don't.." you managed to say before he wrapped his hands around your throat, you tried to push him away.

"struggling won't help, it'll just make it worse." he said whilst staring at you with his eyes that were completely void of colour.

you could feel yourself losing consciousness but you didn't want to give up just yet, but there was no way to stop him as he was much stronger than you.

suddenly you heard foot steps running up the stairs and towards you, "stiles? what are you doing?" scott yelled.

stiles released you and you stumbled backwards, "we were just having fun." stiles smirked before he stormed downstairs and out of scott's home. you were still grasping your throat and trying to take deep breaths.

"y/n, are you okay?" scott said as he raced over to you, wrapping his arms around you.

"thank you, scott." you whispered, your throat in agony.

scott looked at the red marks stiles had left on your throat, "why would he do this to you?"

"because it wasn't stiles... it was as if it was someone else in his body... he even said that he was glad to be back in stiles' body." you tried to explain what had happened whilst you were still clutching your throat.

"it's okay... i just can't believe he's back..." scott said. you didn't understand but he said his main priority was making sure you were okay.

he healed your pain and then sat you down on his bed and explained what had happened last time stiles was void, "i should warn the others." he said, he got out his phone to text them.

"are you sure you're okay?" he asked you, he was always worried about you because you were one of the only humans in the pack and he wouldn't admit it but he liked you a lot.

"i'm sure." you smiled at him, and he wrapped you in a hug and kissed your forehead. the two of you sat together for a long time embracing, you didn't need to speak as each other's company was enough.

please vote and comment if you liked it :)

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