did you mean it? | stiles stilinski

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You'd been waiting all week for Friday night to come around. The girls had organised a sleepover which everyone was looking forward to. It had been a long time since you'd all been able to hang out without some sort of supernatural presence interrupting it.

With your backpack filled with your pyjamas and other necessities (including food, of course) you slung it over your shoulder and left your bed room, heading out to your car.

Usually it'd be held at Lydia's home but this time Kira offered to host it, everyone jumped at the opportunity since her parents made the best food.

You pulled up outside of her house and saw Lydia's and Malia's cars parked up.

The door opened immediately as you got out of your car and your best friends crowded around the door.

"Y/n!" Malia exclaimed, smiling as you made your way towards them.

They all enveloped you in a hug as you reached the door, "let's get this party started!" Lydia said.

The four of you went into Kira's bedroom and got changed in your pyjamas, which effectively were just a pair of shorts and a long t-shirt with a faded picture of the mets logo on.

The others wore the same kind of pyjamas, Malia's tee had a picture of a deer on to remind her of her favourite thing.

When you were all ready Kira's mom asked everyone what they wanted to eat and Malia answered for everyone, "pizza!"

For the rest of the night you all ate pizza, gossiped and chilled out with no need to worry about anything supernatural.

The clock in Kira's room changed to 11pm and Malia grinned, "shall we play truth or dare?!"

"Yeah, why not?" You replied.

"Okay, truth or dare?" Malia asked.

You thought for a moment before replying, "truth."

"Alright, I'll start by asking you..." her lips twitched into a menacing grin, "If someone gave you one million dollars would you sleep with Stiles?"

"I would do it for free!" You admit, then start to blush as the others stare at you.

"Really?!" Malia asked, her eyes wide.

"I mean... I do like him, a lot." You shrugged, thinking nothing of it.

"You do?" Kira smiled, thinking it was adorable.

"Yeah... he's sweet and kind, he makes me laugh... but he'd never feel the same about me." You said.

"He'd be an idiot not to feel the same way." Lydia said before turning to Malia.

"My turn!" Malia grinned, "y/n, ask me a question!"

"Okay... truth or dare?" You asked.

"Dare." Malia smirked.

You gave Malia her dare and she completed it easily, you played truth or dare for about an hour before everyone became tired.

You all fell asleep at midnight and didn't wake up until noon the next day, eating left over pizza and getting ready to go home.

"See you all on Monday!" You yelled out of the window of your car as you waved at your friends who were getting into their cars.

Malia, Lydia and Kira waved as you drove off.

Once you got home you flung your backpack onto the floor and you lay down on the sofa, turning on the television and watching the episode of your favourite tv show that you'd missed the night before.

Halfway through the doorbell rang and you groaned, pausing it at a crucial moment.

Padding over to the door in your bare feet you opened it and was surprised to see a nervous looking Stiles standing in front of you.

His eyes widened as he looked at your t-shirt, "you like the mets?!" He asked, completely forgetting why he was at your house.

"I love the mets." You replied, observing him.

"Me too!" He paused for a moment, "sorry, I didn't come here to ask about the mets- although I could talk about them all day..." He grabbed his phone from his pocket and held up his phone showing his previous calls, "you must've called me by accident... I overhead you saying you like me... and the bit before..."

He gulped nervously before talking again, "so... did you mean it?"

You smiled softly, noticing how nervous he was, "I do... like you, that is. As for the other part... that was true, but I wish you didn't hear it." You laughed.

His lips curved upwards slightly, "I'm glad I heard it, because it gave me the courage to come over and tell you that I feel the exact same way."

"You do?" You asked.

He nodded, "yeah, like I really like you."

You smiled, unsure of what to do next.

"Sorry, um, I know this is really straightforward but would you like to go on a date tonight?" He asked.

You nodded, "I'd love that."

His smile grew wider, "great! Um, I have to go but I'll pick you up tonight!"

"Alright, see you later, Stiles." You smiled as he ran towards his jeep with a skip in his step, he was extremely goofy and adorable, all of the things you loved about him.

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