midnight swim | theo raeken

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you tossed and turned in your bed as you lay awake, mixed feelings swirling around your brain about the boy who you just couldn't get out of your head.

you decided to get up and go for a midnight swim, you found swimming relaxing especially at night when the pool was lit up and the fairy lights that decorated your garden were dimly lit.

you slipped on a white bikini and tiptoed downstairs trying not to wake your parents.

you slid open the door to your garden and picked up a towel from the pile inside your home before going outside.

you padded over to the pool and sat down on the side of the pool, dipping your feet into the cool water first.

a sound of metal railings shaking disrupted your tranquility. you looked over to the fence that bordered your garden and saw a dark figure heading towards you.

you squinted your eyes to get a closer look, the familiar broad shoulders and quiffed hair became clear as the figure stepped into the light that radiated from the fairy lights.

"theo?" you whispered, not wanting to make a noise.

"hey y/n." he said quietly, making his way over to you.

"what are you doing here?" you looked up at him as he now towered over you. it's not like you and theo were friends or anything, you'd see him in school often but most people stayed away from him because he was the 'bad boy' of Beacon Hills but this just made him more attractive.

"well i saw the lights in your garden and wondered what you were doing outside... alone." he smirked.

"i couldn't sleep and i find swimming very peaceful." you said, averting your gaze from him and looking back down at the pool.

"well, i love swimming too. especially at night," you could hear the cockyness in his voice, "mind if i join you?"

"um, sure." you tried not to sound too sceptical about him wanting to join you, after all you'd never really had a conversation with him properly.

before you could say anything else he was taking off his black t-shirt to reveal his toned abs that you couldn't take your eyes off of, theo looked down at you and smirked again.

"like something you see?" he said casually as he took his pants off.

you avoided the question and looked back at the pool. "so, why are you here? i mean, it's not like we're friends or anything.."

"we're not?" he said in a mocking tone, "gee, here i thought we were bffs!!"

you rolled your eyes at the boys sarcasm, "seriously, theo."

his expression softened as he sat down beside you, dipping his feet into the cold water. "i don't know," he shook his head to himself, "actually i do. i quite like you y/n. you're different, i notice you at school but never get the chance to talk to you, so i saw you out here alone and took my chance." he breathed out a sigh of relief as if he'd been wanting to say that for a while. "wow, ok," he continued, "that was a little too deep for me."

you looked over at him, and you saw him glance away from you. "i like you too, theo. you're mysterious and i like that."

he chuckled quietly, "mysterious? hm that's a new one."

you had to admit, you were finding him extremely attractive when he wasn't being cocky. you looked away for a moment and before you knew it a wave of water hit your legs.

"come on, y/n. i thought you wanted a midnight swim." you looked down to see theo standing in the water in front of you. he was meant to be standing in the deep end but obviously nothing was too deep for theo. the majority of his chest and shoulders peeked out of the water, showcasing how tall he actually was.

you gestured for him to move back a bit as you slid into the water, your whole body went under the water for a moment as you found your floating position.

theo was laughing when you surfaced and you brought up a finger to his lips, "shh, my parents are asleep."

he lowered his laugh to a quiet chuckle and then wrapped his arms around you.

"what are you doing?!" you panicked.

"keeping you afloat, silly. since you're small."

"humph." you muttered, you hated being small but you also quite liked the feel of theo's biceps wrapped around you. "i can swim thank you very much." you said snarkily.

"really?" he raised his eyebrows but continued to keep his arms wrapped tight around you.

you sighed, "but i don't mind you holding me like this." theo looked taken aback at first, but then he smiled.

whilst the two of you were talking he was turning around in circles in the pool which was strangely relaxing. without noticing you'd wrapped your legs around theo's waist to keep yourself close to him. theo didn't seem to mind and he continued to swirl around slowly, you felt his breath tickle your ear as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

"do you really like me y/n?" theo whispered quietly in your ear.

"yes." you replied without thinking about it.

you removed your chin from his shoulder and now you were face to face with him, his breathing became heavier as he stared at you, his eyes flicking down to your lips then back up to your eyes.

"what?" you stared at him.

before you knew it he brought his face closer to yours and kissed you, without hesitation you kissed back. his arms tightened around you as he walked you over to the pool wall, pressing you against it. the kiss became more passionate as you ran your hands through his hair.

after a while you both pulled apart for air and theo was gasping and staring at you like he wanted more. that was until a bright light turned on behind you both, you immediately let go of theo and pushed him under the water, you heard footsteps behind you and your mom speaking, "y/n? what are you doing?"

theo was still underwater but he started running his fingers up and down your thigh, making you laugh. "nothing, mom. i couldn't sleep and i decided to go for a midnight swim."

you heard your mom sigh, "fine. just don't be out too late." footsteps followed after and you let theo resurface.

he let out the breath he'd been holding, "what happened?!" he gasped.

"nothing... it was just my mom." you smiled at him, before wrapping your arms back around him and kissing him.

"i better go... i had fun, we should do this again." he smiled before kissing your forehead.

you both got out of the pool and you passed theo a towel. you still couldn't stop staring at the beautiful human being in front of you who randomly showed up and started kissing you, but you didn't question it and instead smiled at him before waving to him as he disappeared over your fence again.

hope you guys liked this :)
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