they all like you....

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"y/n, we need to talk." scott said on the phone, he sounded worried.

you arrive at scott's house, only to find the door already open and you walk straight inside and are greeted by all of the boys sat in scott's living room.

"hey." they all say in union.

"um, hi." you reply nervously.

"you're probably wondering why you're here..." stiles says.

"uh, yeh." you say, stepping further inside.

"well, we've all kind of had an issue for a while..." scott glared at all of the guys, "we all like you y/n, like really like you and..."

"we want to know you like more." isaac butted in.

you were extremely confused as they all stared at you hopefully.

"okay..." you looked at all of them, only one stood out to you but you couldn't exactly tell them when everyone was looking at you expectantly.

liam was unusually quiet as the other boys started talking over each other for your attention.

then theo, who you hadn't noticed had been standing in the doorway of the kitchen in the dark spoke up, "why don't you just tell her why you like her and she can decide, even if she knows who she's gonna pick already." he smirked as you looked at him.

"sure, i guess..." you felt uneasy as you knew you were going to break all of their hearts for someone who you already liked, you caught his eye and he smiled at you with his soft smile that made you melt inside.

"okay well, maybe you could go up to scott's room and we'll come up one by one..." isaac said, then burst out laughing, "this is pathetic guys, we all like her but she can't like all of us."

"true." stiles agreed.

"alright, it can't hurt, but i want you all to know that i love you all as friends." you said.

"friend zoned." theo chuckled from the corner of the room.

you walked upstairs and waited for someone to come upstairs.

you heard footsteps and soon enough scott walked in first, "hey." he smiled shyly.

"hey." you smiled.

"this is awkward... but we were talking and everyone kind of has a crush on you and you know what guys are like." he blushed.

"i know... but i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." you sighed.

"you knew that we all had a crush on you?" he looked shocked.

"yep, i mean its kind of obvious." you laughed.

"well, i may as well say what i came up here to say, i really like you y/n but..." he trailed off.

"but what?" you asked.

"i guess i know the others like you more and i can't give you what they can give you." he avoided eye contact with you.

"you're too modest, scott. you're a great guy." you placed your hand on top of his that was resting on his knee and he looked up at you and smiled.

"thanks y/n, but i should let the others come up." he stood up and left.

a few moments later isaac appeared at the doorway, "y/n." he spoke softly as he approached you and sat on the bed next to you.

"isaac." you looked over at isaac who was looking at you intently.

"well, i'm just going to say it... i like you a lot and i can't deny it, my heart jumps whenever you walk into a room and honestly i just want to take long strolls on the beach with you all the time and star gaze with you and do romantic things with you because that would be amazing." he went quiet and waited for your response.

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