afterlife | allison argent

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a/n: i really like how this turned out! hope y'all do too :) p.s there's some gory?¿ parts at the beginning.

You didn't plan for your life to end like this.

You'd always thought you would live a long, semi-happy life surrounded by your friends in Beacon Hills.

You should've known that when you were cornered at the edge of a deep lake that only one of you would make it out alive. It definitely wasn't going to be you.

Theo stepped out from behind the shadows of the trees surrounding the lake, "it didn't have to be like this, y/n, you could've joined me."

"You know I can't, Theo. I never wanted to join your 'pack', I was only getting intel for Scott. Being a human has its advantages." You shrugged.

Scott had asked you, even though he really didn't want you to say yes, to try and be a part of Theo's pack to see what his real plan was. You, of course, accepted. It had been your goal to be a valuable member of the McCall pack ever since they became your friends and told you all about the supernatural despite the risks that came with knowing.

What was happening now was the risk you knew you accepted.

"I really don't like it when people deceive me." Theo snarled.

He stepped closer to you, now you could easily see the darkness in his eyes.

There wasn't anything you could do, you were in the middle of nowhere after being separated from the pack.

His snarl turned into an eerie smile as he was only inches from you, "I'll make this quick- say hi to Allison for me."

Before you had a chance to process what he said you were face down in the water and struggling to breathe. Your body automatically tried to escape his tight grasp, flailing around as you tried to kick him and loosen the grip.

Nothing worked.

Your life well and truly flashed before your eyes, every moment of your life in Beacon Hills, your friends, family and most importantly, Allison.

Everything in your body shut down as the oxygen supply to your brain was cut off.

Your body fell limp in Theo's grip and he stood up, wiping his hands dry of the lake water before leaving you alone in the woods for your friends to find later.


It wasn't how you pictured it all.

The afterlife was completely different, but one thing wasn't.

The girl approached you slowly, her brunette hair hung just slightly above her shoulders as she wore a short, white dress.

Your heart beat extremely fast, "Allison?" Your voice came out as a quiet squeak as you were surprised to see her.

Her smile wavered as she spoke, "hello, y/n, I can't believe you're here." Her eyes seemed extremely watery as she rushed towards you, enveloping you in a tight hug.

You instinctively wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

It felt weird- you could feel your actions and how everything felt but at the same time you felt detached from your body.

"I can't either." You replied, your mind flashing back to how you ended up here.

Allison stepped back and looked at you properly, her hazel brown eyes still watery, "I know it feels weird at first, it takes a while to get used to it."

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