you had a rough day

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you had a really rough day, you come home and he notices your mood, he immediately pulls you into a hug murmuring, 'i love you', and takes you to the living room where he turns on the TV and puts on your favourite show/film, then he goes into the kitchen and makes your favourite food which you both snuggle up and eat together on the couch.

when you come home stiles notices that you don't look your normal self so he comes over to you and hugs you and whispers the things he loves about you in your ear. then proceeding to lead you upstairs to your bedroom and lies down on the bed, gesturing for you to do the same. he rolls over and wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his head into your shoulder. "i love you y/n."

you didn't have a great day at school, liam noticed this when you were sat next to him on the bus home. he got off at his usual stop and ran home. he rushed inside and chucked his school stuff on the floor. he then went to the local chinese restaurant and ordered a take out of your favourite food. putting them all in a bag, he then ran out of the restaurant and made his way to your house which was two blocks away. when he arrived he knocked on your door and when you opened it he held up the bags and smiled at you, "i noticed you had a bad day so i wanted to make it better... and what better way than Chinese food?"

"thank you so much, liam. i really needed this." you smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek then invited him inside.

when you walked in after a long day isaac sensed that you were quite tense, so when he saw you he gave you a big hug kissed your forehead.

"what's wrong, princess?" he asked, looking at you worriedly.

you tell him how your day went and he proceeds to rub your shoulders and massage your back to calm you.
afterwards he goes upstairs and runs you a bubble bath surrounded by candles.
he brings you upstairs and tells you to have time to yourself and relax.
"thank you, isaac. this means a lot to me."

theo noticed that you were having a bad day and decided to make you dinner. he loved treating you because of the way your face lit up whenever he did something whether it be big or small. he wasn't the most amazing cook in the world but he whipped up a simple spaghetti carbonara and placed a few candles on the dining room table.
when you came downstairs the aroma of the dinner theo was cooking for you surrounded you, it made you smile at the thought of him making dinner.

when you walked into the dining room theo was stood there, placing the plates of carbonara on the table. when he saw you he pulled out the chair and gestured for you to sit down.

when you  both finished enjoying the meal, theo reached over and placed his hand over yours, causing you to look up at him.

"i love you y/n"  he said, smiling softly.

"i love you too, theo. thank you for making dinner, it was lovely." you smiled up at him and he leaned over and kissed you.

hope you liked this chapter :-) remember to vote and comment<3

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