innocence | mason hewitt

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"Hey Mason!" You shouted down the hallway as you made your way into school.

Mason turned around to face you, smiling wide as he saw you pushing through the crowd of people to get to him.

You finally reached him and hugged him quickly in greeting.

"Hey y/n." He smiled.

"Where's Liam?" You wondered, they were always together.

"Oh," his smile faltered, "um, he came in early for lacrosse practice."

"Oh." You smiled at Mason, you'd been hoping to get him alone all week.

"You can go see him you know, you don't have to wait for me." Mason said sadly, turning towards his locker and getting his books out.

"But I don't want to see Liam, I wanted to see you..." you paused as he turned to look at you, "alone." you said quietly.

Masons mouth opened slightly in shock, "me?"

"Of course," You smiled, "why would I want to see Liam?"

"I thought you liked him." Mason said, blushing slightly.

"Liam?" You burst out laughing, "I don't like Liam... I like you, silly."

Mason was blushing even harder even though he tried to hide it, "um, I like you too y/n."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7." You smiled at him before walking off to class.

Mason stood at his locker long after the bell had rung, he'd had a crush on you for so long but he always thought you'd liked Liam since he was the guy all of the girls had a crush on and Mason was just the 'best friend.' Now you were taking him on a date? Mason shook his head and shoved his books in his bag and ran off to his first class. He spent the rest of the day thinking about you, like he did everyday.

Liam was already at their regular table as Mason sat next to him with a huge smile on his.

"What's up man!" Liam greeted his friend, "woah, you're smiling for once!"

"It's all good, man... y/n asked me out." Mason said.

Liam fell silent, "y/n?" He said quietly.

Mason's smiled dropped, "what?"

"Nothing... That's great dude, so happy for you." Liam smiled.

Mason didn't look convinced but sat down besides his friend, as soon as he saw you approaching them his face lit up.

"Hey guys!" You greeted them, "Mason." You looked at him and smiled, Liam pretended to shove his fingers down his throat.

You glared at him, "what?"

"Nothing," Liam muttered, "you know what, I'm not hungry." He got up with his tray and left.

"What's up with him?" You asked Mason, who was looking at his best friend walking away.

"No idea..." he said sadly, but he turned his attention to you.

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