pregnant... but it's not theirs

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a/n: fyi these are continued from the 'you cheat on them' preferences.

this was it, the moment of truth. you looked down at the pregnancy test you held out in front of you and you blinked twice to make sure you saw correctly. the two blue lines signalling that you were pregnant appeared and your heart sunk, it was the worst possible thing that could've happened.

after scott had found out that you'd been sleeping with his best friend, stiles, behind his back you'd been trying your hardest to make him forgive you. you loved scott, that was true, but there was always part of you that ached for someone else and it ate you up inside.

you knew who the baby's father was without a second thought, you had no idea how to tell scott or even stiles since it would hurt the other.

but before you had the chance to decide who to tell first you heard someone's footsteps heading towards the bathroom, "y/n?" scott's voice called out, "are you okay?"

you opened the door to see him standing in front of you, his hands in his pockets. he'd been acting nervous around you constantly as he was always unsure of what to say. you watched as his eyebrows pulled together, signalling something was wrong.

"y/n, why can i hear two heartbeats?" he asked.

"i- uh..." you stuttered, finding it hard to form a sentence.

"you're pregnant..." he stated, a flash of hurt crossing his face as he knew he wasn't the father, you hadn't slept in the same bed for months.

"scott, i'm so sorry-" you tried to apologise but he shook his head.

"i guess this is the final sign i needed that we shouldn't be together anymore, you'd be much happier with him." scott muttered, turning away from you.

you watched as he walked out of your house, leaving a massive ache in your heart as you knew he had every right to leave you after what you'd done. now you just had to tell stiles the news.

you arrived at stiles' house in the late evening, knocking on his door quietly so that you wouldn't wake his dad.

"y/n?" stiles asked as he opened the door, taking in your watery eyes he immediately gestured for you to come in. as soon as he closed the door behind him you buried your head in his chest.

at first he had no words but he simply wrapped his arms around you, "what's wrong?"

"it's all my fault, stiles..." you sobbed.

"what is, y/n?" he asked soothingly as he ran his hands through your hair.

"i- i'm pregnant..." you sniffled, pulling away from him slightly.

you didn't have to tell him that it was yours, he already guessed as the words poured out of your mouth.

"hey... hey, listen to me, i want whatever you want, okay? i'm willing to give us a try if you are," he smiled softly, wiping the tears from your face with his thumbs as he placed his hands on your cheeks, "i think we'll make the best parents."

"you- you think?" you asked, looking at him hopefully.

"i know so, y/n." he assured you, pulling you back towards him into a hug.

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