alone | isaac lahey

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before isaac became friends with scott mccall and his pack, you used to be best friends, the two people that were always on the outside of everything happening. but one night everything changed when scott found out that isaac was the other werewolf on the lacrosse team and he slowly became part of their pack, drifting away from you. he'd cancel plans with you and you'd have to eat lunch by yourself everyday. isaac seemed to forget that you existed, whenever you passed him in the hallway his gaze would always be distracted by something, or someone else.

one night you had had enough of being alone, the invisible girl.

you decided that it was time to change, and this would require an entire makeover.

walking into your bathroom you grabbed a pair of scissors and grabbed a chunk of your hair, moments later hair was scattered all over the floor and in the sink. you looked at your new hair in the mirror, it fell just below your shoulders. after washing it you dried it and left it half way through, creating a wavy effect that you'd seen on many of the popular girls at school.

happy with your hair, you searched through your closet to find an outfit for the morning, your usual outfits were all chosen so that you wouldn't stand out but it was time to change that. you picked a short skirt, a low neck t-shirt and the leather jacket you'd been saving for a special occasion- this just seemed to be the right occasion.

the next morning when you were ready in your new outfit, new hair style and even a minimum amount of makeup that you never wore, you felt like a completely different person. now all you had to do was act like a completely different person, so when you walked through the doors of beacon hills high school you did exactly that. you stood up straighter and pretended to be confident, suddenly all eyes were on you and you had to admit that you kind of liked the attention.

you heard whispers of "who's that?" some would ask their friends as they stood by their lockers, staring at you. you ignored them and headed straight towards your locker, taking out your books for the day. on your way to class you attracted exactly the attention you wanted, isaac was standing with scott and his pack and you noticed liam dunbar's jaw drop as he saw you walk past, "guys." he muttered as his eyes followed after you as you walked past their group.

they all turned their attention to you, isaac stared in awe, "is that y/n?" liam asked, still staring at you.

isaac's heart seemed to beat faster as he saw you, thinking about how beautiful you looked, not that he thought you weren't beautiful before, he thought.

"why the sudden change?" allison asked as her eyes trailed up and down your body as she stood besides scott.

"maybe she was tired of being the only one left on the outside," isaac muttered, "i gotta go." he said to scott before following you to the library.

everyone's gaze was on you as you sat down in the library, you were starting to realise why you liked being in the background, but you couldn't go back now.

the doors of the library creaked open and isaac walked in, his eyes searching for you. when his gaze fell on you he walked towards you, despite the glares of others as he did. he sat down opposite you and you continued to read your textbook as he rested his arms on the table.

"y/n?" he asked in a hushed voice.

you looked up, pretending to see past him and looked back at your book, "y/n?" a hint of amusement in his voice now, realising what you were doing.

"sorry, i didn't realise anyone was sat there, my mistake." you shrugged as you looked up at him.

"very funny," he sneered, "so, what's with the sudden makeover?" he raised his eyebrows, looking at you expectantly.

you placed your book down slowly and closed it, staring back at him, "what's with the sudden interest in me, mr lahey?"

he looked slightly offended, but then a blush spread onto his cheeks, "i asked you first." he looked down quickly before composing himself and looking back up at you.

"if you must know, i was tired of being ignored, of being alone." you sighed, tucking your hair behind your ear, you knew why you always wore your hair up now- you'd tucked it behind your ear too many times to count to keep it out of your face.

"i'm sorry, y/n. i really don't have an answer for why i abandoned you, i was just caught up in this new life scott offered me." he shrugged.

"you're sorry?" you laughed sarcastically, "you leave your best friend and completely ignore me with no explanation, but when i look like this," you point to yourself, "you're suddenly interested again?"

"i don't know what to say, y/n..." he trailed off.

"you don't have to say anything, you haven't said anything for months so why start now?" you picked up your textbook and left the library, leaving isaac gazing after you.

finding somewhere else to study, you ended up on the lacrosse field, sat on the bleachers. you didn't know what your aim was in your makeover, you secretly wanted isaac's attention but now that you had it, you didn't know why it made you feel strange inside when you saw how he looked at you with his beautiful sea-green eyes.

there's always been a part of you that had a crush on your best friend, but he'd have some major apologising to do before you'd even consider letting him back into your life.

part two? :)

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