resurrecting allison argent

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stiles: scott, meet us in the empty classroom upstairs, it's urgent!

scott read the new message that stiles had left him and ran up the stairs to the second floor of beacon hills high school. he checked to see which classroom was empty as lessons were taking place in most of them. he looked through the door of one of them and saw all of his friends, lydia, liam, kira, malia and you sat on the desks whilst stiles was stood at the front scrawling something on the whiteboard.

scott walked into the classroom and stiles looked towards him, "great! the gangs all here! please take a seat.." he gestured to one of the empty desks.

"um, stiles? what's going on?" scott glanced at the half written sentence that stiles had written.

"i'd like to know too." you said, curious at why stiles had dragged you out of class.

"i've called you all here to discuss..." he returned to writing on the board, 'the resurrection...' he said the words as he wrote them, 'of... allison.... argent.'

everyone gasped.

"stiles, stop messing around." scott said seriously.

stiles turned to face him, "i'm not messing around, look... it's been hard not having her here with us, and i don't think we should be going through this. we've suffered through so much, the least we deserve is to bring our friend back."

"my best friend." lydia muttered to herself.

"but how?" you asked.

stiles grinned, "i'm glad you asked, y/n. you see... you've all heard of the nemeton, right?"

"we all have more than heard about the nemeton, stiles." lydia groaned.

"well, a friend of ours... theo took bodies there to resurrect them-" stiles was cut off by scott standing up.

"theo? we can't trust him, stiles. as much as we all want her back we are not getting theo's help." he said abruptly.

"just hear me out, scott." stiles pleaded.

"fine." he snapped.

"okay..." he turned to face his friends, "there's a serum that theo used to bring his chimeras to life, and deaton just happens to have some of this serum... and i have asked him to look into it and modify it for us."

scott still looked doubtful, "but they'd only been dead a matter of days, allison has been dead for years."

"i know that, scott." stiles sighed.

"okay." lydia said quietly.

"okay?" stiles repeated.

"since she was my best friend... i think we should try it." she said.

stiles' smile widened, "oh? okay! great!"

"when are we going to do this?" malia asked.

"tonight!" stiles said.

"tonight? you were going to do this with or without our permission weren't you?" scott asked.

"kind of." stiles admitted bashfully.

"alright. i think we're all in agreement that we'll try this?" scott looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"lets go and get the serum then!" stiles nearly ran out of the classroom in his excitement but scott grabbed him.

"are you sure you know what you're getting into? i don't want you to get your hopes up..." he said sadly.

"i know what i'm getting into, scott. i haven't stopped thinking about it since she died." stiles' smile vanished from his face.

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