mtv awards | scott mccall

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The McCall pack takes Hollywood.

You were sat on a bench one warm night in the centre of Hollywood, Los Angeles. The sun was setting creating a beautiful pink and light orange sky. You were supposed to be going on a date but the guy stood you up, so there you were spending yet another Friday night alone stranded in the middle of Hollywood since there were no buses running currently.

Scott McCall had recently become one of Hollywoods rising stars, but he was someone who was extremely down to earth and just happened to be on his way to the MTV awards.

Scott was sat in the back of a limousine staring out at the passing scenery and watching the ever changing colours of the sky. Until he spotted a girl sat on a bench on her own with her head in her hands. He yelled to his driver to stop and he got out of the limo.

"Excuse me, m'am. Are you okay?" He said stepping in front of her.

You looked up to see a tall, lean figure standing in front of you, the sun surrounded him and you couldn't see his face clearly so you had to squint.

"M'am?" The man asked again, crouching down to your level.

The man in front of you was now visible, his brown eyes staring intently into yours whilst wisps of his brown hair blew in the warm summer breeze.

"I... I'm okay..." You stuttered realising that the guy that was crouching down in front of you was none other than Scott McCall.

"Are you sure?" Scott stood up and sat next to you on the bench, he twisted his body so he was facing you.

"No..." You sighed and told him how your date had stood you up, all the while he was looking at you with his big brown puppy dog eyes, taking in every word you say.

"Oh man, I can't believe anyone would do that to such a beautiful girl like you." He said, as he took hold of you hand that was resting by your side.

A light blush started spreading across your cheeks and you tried to hide it but Scott didn't care, he kept looking at you and he couldn't take his eyes off of you.

"Sorry, I didn't even ask your name?" Scott said.

"Oh, it's y/n." You said, finally turning to face him, you were surprised at how handsome he was in real life.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said, smiling at you and his face softened.

You giggled and a strand of your hair fell in front of your face. Scott reached up and tucked it behind your ear and then he traced the outline of the side of your face.

"I can't get over how beautiful you are, y/n." But before he could say anything his driver wound down his window and called out to him.

"Mr McCall, I'm sorry but we really have to go." He said impatiently.

Scott broke eye contact with you and said he'd be right there.

"Look I have to go..." And he paused as though a thought sprung to mind. "Say... Do you want to be my date to the MTV awards ceremony?" He looked at you expectantly.

You couldn't believe that he was asking you to one of the hottest events of the year, you nodded quickly, "yes, I'd love to!" You smiled at him for the first time and his eyes widened slightly.

"Wow, you have the most stunning smile."

"Mr McCall, are you quite done flirting with the lady?" His driver shouted.

Scott laughed and stood up, offering you his hand which you gratefully accepted. "This way, Madame." He led you over to the limo and opened the door. "Ladies first." He said,  you stepped inside the limousine. It seemed to stretch for miles, tiny twinkling lights shone on the ceiling.

It took your breathe away, as well as the fact that the Scott McCall was sitting next to you and you were going to be his date to an awards ceremony.

The limo rolled up next to the venue of the awards ceremony, the driver came and opened the door for you and Scott to get out. You were immediately greeted by lights flashing in your face and sound of cameras going off all around you. You were stunned by all of the sudden lights and Scott noticed so he guided you through them until eventually you were in a less crowded area with only a few photographers.

A few of them yelled for Scott to get a photograph of him, but his main concern was you. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I should've warned you about the photographers, they're quite overwhelming at first."

"I'm okay, really," You smiled to reassure him, "ready to pose for some photographs?" You smirked and Scott laughed, putting his arm around your waist as you both went and posed in front of the photographers.

"Scott, over here!" They yelled, "who's your girl?"

Scott just smiled and ignored them, occasionally glancing at the cameras but he spent most of the time staring at the beautiful girl on his arm, you.

hope you guys liked this one, thought It'd make a change from Beacon Hills :)
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