sleepover | stiles stilinski

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You arrived at Lydia's house early in the evening, she opened the door with a large smile on her face as she gestured for you to come in.

The familiar voices of your best friends could be heard from upstairs.

"Come on, y/n." Lydia said as she started walking upstairs towards her room.

When you walked into her room you saw Malia, Kira and Allison all in their pyjamas and sat in a circle on the floor with spaces for you and Lydia.

You'd shown up in your pyjamas already, they all smiled when they saw you enter, "hey, y/n! I love your pyjamas!" Kira exclaimed.

"Thanks, Kira!" You smiled, you put your bag down with the others and joined their circle in between Lydia and Kira.

You immediately joined their conversation as they were talking about their favourite subject - boys.

"So, y/n," Lydia turned to you with a mischievous smile on her face, "we've all admitted who we like, it's your turn."

"Do I have to?" You whined, you had kept it secret for so long.

The girls all nodded but Kira interjected, "you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable telling us." She smiled at you softly.

"Please." Allison pouted as Malia looked at you curiously, probably sensing your nervousness.

"Okay, okay!" You said, holding your hands up in surrender, "I've liked him for a while now but nothing would ever happen... it's Stiles." You admitted, already feeling your cheeks turn crimson.

"Stiles?" Allison repeated, "that's adorable! I can totally see you two together!"

You laughed, "really? A guy like Stiles would never like me, Alli."

Malia raised her eyebrows, "you never know."

"I agree, Alli, they'd be so cute!" Kira squealed, causing the other girls to giggle.

Malia grew bored of the boy talk so she grabbed a pillow from the bed behind her and hit Allison lightly, "pillow fight!" She yelled.

Everyone jumped up and grabbed a pillow from Lydia's bed, hitting each other with them as they danced around the room.

After a while everyone was exhausted so they all climbed onto Lydia's king-sized double bed, bringing their pillows and blankets with them.

"I think it's time to play truth or dare." Malia smirked, looking around at everyone.

The girls agreed and you nodded, "what's a sleepover without truth or dare?"

"Alright... Lydia, you start, truth or dare?" Malia asked.

Lydia pondered it for a moment, "truth."

Malia asked Lydia a truth question and she answered it easily, then Malia's gaze fell on you, "y/n, truth or dare?"

You'd already spilled enough secrets that night so you chose dare, "dare."

Malia grinned, "okay, I dare you to call Stiles and tell him how you feel."

Allison nearly spat out the drink she'd just taken a sip of, "Malia!"

"What?" Malia asked, "I think you'll really benefit from the dare, y/n."

You sighed, grabbing your phone and finding Stiles' number in your contacts.

You waited as the phone rang, everyone sat around you anxiously waiting for him to pick up.

Suddenly his voice filled the silence, "hey y/n, what's up?"

His voice sent goosebumps over your skin, he seemed to have that effect on you.

"Hey, Stiles..." you hesitated, looking at Malia.

She nodded and gestured for you to speak.

"Uh, I was calling because I need to tell you something." You said, feeling butterflies form in your stomach.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked.

Kira smiled reassuringly as you took a deep breath, "okay, this may sound totally out of the blue- but I really like you Stiles, and I mean like, really like you-" you rambled nervously.

You couldn't see it but on the other side of the phone Stiles was grinning profusely, "y/n, you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that, because I really like you too."

Everyone stared at you as they heard what Stiles said, Allison nearly squealed with glee, "y-you do?" You asked.

"Mm-hm," he hummed, "I do, say, what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nothing, why?" You asked, trying to hide the excitement in your voice.

"Great, I'll pick you up, how about dinner and a movie?" He suggested, he wasn't really used to the whole date thing so he said the first thing that came to find - the stereotypical date.

"I'd love that, Stiles." You said, your lips curling into a smile on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow, y/n." He smiled to himself as he said your name before hanging up.

You put your phone down as everyone stared at you.

"See! I told you it would be worth it." Malia smiled.

"Thanks, Mal." You smiled.

For the rest of the night everyone gossiped and talked until they all eventually fell asleep on Lydia's bed.

You lay next to Malia and Lydia as you thought about the next day, you finally managed to fall asleep after an hour of shifting your position.

Meanwhile, Stiles lay awake on his bed, staring up at his ceiling as he thought about the phone call.

hope you all liked this one :)

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