loveless | nolan holloway

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inspired by froy's fave lorde song ; hard feelings / loveless

He thought he was going to be loveless forever, until he met you.

Being the 'weirdo' of Beacon Hills high could get pretty lonely, until the girl of Nolan's dreams appeared and he thought he was dreaming when you chose him to talk to out of everyone in their ridiculously good looking school.

You noticed him sitting by himself in the library on your first day of school at BHHS, you felt uneasy becoming friends with people in large friendship groups- besides he was also extremely adorable.

"Hey," you whispered as you sat next to him on the floor behind a bookcase of history books as he'd hidden himself away from the middle of the library, "I'm y/n."

Nolan looked over at you slowly, wondering if you were actually talking to him, his curious blue eyes scanned over you slowly, "you're talking to m-me?" He stuttered, thinking that someone as beautiful as you would never talk to him.

"Of course, there's no one else here." You laughed softly, trying not to make much noise so that the librarian didn't tell you to be quiet.

"R-right," he nodded slowly, "I'm Nolan." He said quietly before burying his head back in his book.

"It's nice to meet you, Nolan, sorry for disturbing you- I'm new and don't really know anyone." You whispered whilst grabbing one of your text books.

"Oh?" He questioned, "it's okay... I've been here for a few months and I still don't know anyone, but I don't think anyone wants to know me, they all think I'm pretty weird."

You stared at him for a moment, from his dusty blonde hair that was styled in a quiff to his mesmerising baby, blue eyes, he was one of the cutest, if not the cutest boy you'd ever met. It was strange to think that he had no friends, you wondered how weird people thought he was.

"I'm sure you're not weird." You replied, flipping through the pages of your book.

Nolan giggled, a sound so innocent that raised goosebumps on your arms, "trust me on that one, you think someone who has to see a counsellor everyday isn't crazy?"

"Not crazy..." you said slowly, "some people find it good to talk about... things... with someone, I guess."

He grinned strangely, his eyes glinting, "things," he laughed, "you're new here, so I don't think you understand what's going on in this town... there's some strange occurrences that happen here and I get paranoid about them, that's why I have to see the counsellor." He sighed.

Staring at him for a long moment you debated what to reply to him, "well, help me learn what's happening in this town. Believe it or not, I want to get to know you Nolan, I don't care what other people think."

Nolan looked away, thinking about how he shouldn't let you get close to him as he knew as soon as you got to know him you'd leave.

You were always someone to give people a chance, even people like Nolan.

"Alright... but don't blame me if you find something out that scares you." He said quietly.


After your odd first meeting with Nolan the both of you were inseparable, he told you crazy things about Beacon Hills and all of the evidence he had to back up his claims made sense.

Associating yourself with Nolan immediately made you the same as him in other people's eyes, they thought you were 'crazy' too but their opinions didn't matter when you were with him.

He wasn't crazy in your eyes, misunderstood maybe, but not crazy. You found yourself falling in love with him even though you knew he probably wouldn't ever reciprocate those feelings. He'd never shown any indication that he felt the same and you were always too worried to tell him.

One night you were at his house, studying with your books spread out on his bed as you both sat cross legged opposite each other.

Nolan could sense it, of course he did. He knew there was something you were hiding from him and he was determined to find out what it was.

After an hour of studying he finally plucked up the courage to ask, "y/n..."

"Yeah?" You asked quietly.

"Is something wrong?" He jumped straight to the point, "you seem to be giving off this... vibe."

"Really? No, nothing's wrong." You shook your head, avoiding eye contact and staring at your books.

He reached over and closed your books gently, "y/n."

You looked up at him, contemplating whether to tell him.

"I'm not going to stop asking you until you tell me." He said.

"Nolan... it's not something I can just blurt out." You sighed.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

You stayed quiet, not wanting to say.

Nolan was extremely confused, he didn't have much experience with other people, especially girls. But you were different.

"Please. I'm worried about you." He said softly, taking hold of your hand.

"You don't have to be worried, Nolan," you took a deep breath, knowing he'd never stop bugging you about it, "it's just...I've kind of developed these feelings for someone who I'm sure doesn't have those feelings for me."

You saw his eyebrows quirk up slightly, "oh," he seemed to be processing the thought in his mind, he had never seen you talk to any other guys in your school so he had no idea who it could be, "do I... do I know them?"

A slight laugh escaped your lips, "I think you know them pretty well."

"I do?" He frowned, then finally his brain processed it, "I do."

"Yeah." You replied quietly.

He nodded, then he did the unexpected.

Nolan leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, his hands travelling to your cheeks as he pulled you closer to him.

Kissing him was everything you thought it'd be, his lips were extremely soft but the kiss was over too soon as he pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry, that was impulsive, I shouldn't have-" he stuttered, worried he'd made a mistake.

"You're right," his eyes widened at your response, "you should've done it sooner." You said before pulling him back towards you, sweeping the text books off of the bed.

idk how to end these anymore lmao

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