anchor | malia tate

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"stay away from me, y/n!" malia growled as she tugged on the chains attaching her to the wall of lydia's basement in the lake house.

"i'm not leaving you, lia." you crouched down next to her, looking into her glowing blue eyes.

"y/n... i don't want to hurt you, please go." a deep growl formed in her throat as she bared her fangs at you.

"you don't scare me, malia." you said, not moving.

she blinked, shaking her head, her bright blue eyes dimmed. her fangs retracted and she exhaled in relief, "y/n... why are you helping me?"

"because i care about you." you said quietly, a small smile tugging at your lips.

she started to shake and her eyes filled with tears, "i'm sorry, y/n, i just don't want to hurt you."

you wrapped your arms around her and she nuzzled her head into your neck, "it's okay, lia." you promised her as you pulled her into a tight hug.

*end of flashback*

"malia!" lydia snapped her fingers in front of the girls face, "earth to malia!"

malia tried to refocus her gaze from staring out of the window, thinking about that night you had saved her.

"i can't stop thinking about y/n." malia confessed, looking at lydia who sat next to her.

"y/n?" lydia furrowed her eyebrows.

"there's something about y/n... she's different. she helped me that night, the night of the full moon. i think she's my anchor." malia blurted out.

"you really think so?" lydia smiled, she didn't think her friend would ever get over the boy she used to call her anchor, stiles.

"i know so." malia grinned.

"i'm glad you're happy, lia." lydia smiled, placing a hand on top of hers on the desk and squeezing it.

malia sidled up to you by your locker and grinned, "hey, y/n!"

you closed your locker door and turned to her, "hey, lia." you smiled.

"i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight?" she blurted out.

the question took you by surprise and your eyes widened, malia furrowed her eyebrows, "oh." she muttered.

"of course i'll go on a date with you malia!" you said quickly.

"really?" she asked sceptically.

"yes." you smiled, the bell rang for your next class, you kissed her cheek quickly before darting off to class.

malia stood in the hallway grinning, her stomach felt strange as if butterflies were flittering around inside, she was nervous. she has never felt nervous before, maybe it was because she was slowly falling in love with someone again after her heart had been broken.

sorry it's so short! i'm gonna try and write some longer ones :)
enjoy! xo

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