he realises he has feelings for you

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"I don't know what it is, Stiles, but whenever I see her I just can't stop looking at how beautiful she is... I mean, she's the one, Stiles." Scott says as he confides in his best friend who is listening intently.

"Is it like... Allison?" Stiles wonders curiously.

Scott looks at him for a moment, the sparkle in his eyes disappearing as he remembers the girl he loved, and he nods and answers quietly, "Yes, whenever I saw Alli it was like I was looking at my soulmate..."

"And somehow that's changed and y/n is your soulmate?" Stiles asked seriously, believing that you had more than one soulmate.

"Yeh... something like that. I just can't help it, whenever she talks to me and she does that cute little smile it lights something inside of me... I feel like the part of me that I lost when Allison died has been found again." Scott sighed as he thought about you and how he couldn't believe that you had somehow found a way into his life.

"Scott? Can I tell you something?" Stiles sounded nervous as he sat next to his best friend in the locker room.

Scott turned to look at his best friend, concern spread across his face, "sure, what's wrong?"

"It's just... I think I'm in love with y/n and I don't know what to do... after being in love with someone for so long and having to let them go when you know they can't love you like you love them is hard." His voice cracked as he thought about how he'd been in love with Lydia Martin for so long only for her to turn him down time and time again.

"Stiles, I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to tell her, not me. I'm sure she'd love to hear that you have feelings for her," he smirked as if he knew something that Stiles didn't, "I promise it won't be the same like it was with Lydia. I know what you've been through, after all I am your best friend and I've been here through all of the hard times with you. So you know I'm always here, even when girls aren't." Scott said sincerely.

The corners of Stiles lips twitched into a small smile, "thanks, Scott. I love you, man."

"I love you too, Stiles." Then he laughed at how cheesy the both of them sounded, "but I do mean it." He smiled.

"I also know that she really likes you too." Scott added.

"Really?! I should go and tell her how I feel, I waited too long to tell Lydia." He jumped up and ran out of the locker room to find you, his whole body zinging with excitement.

The moment when he realises that he is in love with you is when you score a goal on the lacrosse field after a long game against the winning team. He can't help but run towards you and sweep you off of your feet to swing you around, despite his team mates whistling as he does it. He locks eyes with you as he swings you around and he can see the glee in your eyes that you scored a goal, and that was when he knew that he was smitten.

After that night he couldn't sleep or eat, and he would constantly replay that moment in his mind, even during class.

Mason had to snap him out of it, "come on, man! what's wrong with you these past few days?"

Liam looked at him and smiled, "y/n... I think I love her."

Mason looked shocked as Liam told him how he was feeling and what happened, but then he was happy for his best friend finally finding love. He knew Liam was jealous about him spending so much time with Corey and now he finally had the chance to get the girl.

Isaac could barely take his eyes off of you whenever you entered the classroom, he knew you were the one since you complimented his scarves and how you appreciated them unlike a certain sarcastic Stilinski.

He made it known to the rest of his friends that you were in fact, the hottest girl. Of course he would never admit it to you.

"You should talk to her!" Scott nudged Isaac as you walked into the classroom.

Isaac glared at Scott, "I can't just talk to her, it had to be the right moment!" he growled.

"What?" Scott laughed, "do you want roses to be scattered around the room and romantic music playing or something?" Stiles heard this and he burst into laughter, causing you to look over at them and head towards their table where there was an empty space.

"What's going on here?" You asked as you sat down.

"Uh, nothing." Isaac muttered.

Scott rolled his eyes and then proceeded to kick Isaac's leg underneath the table.

Isaac barely controlled himself but he grinned, "so y/n..." you looked over at him and suddenly he couldn't get his words out, "uh... would you... maybe like to go on a - uh, date?"

Stiles couldn't hold in his laughter and he wiped the tears falling down his cheeks.

You were shocked at the sudden invitation but you couldn't deny scarfboys offer, since he was the most attractive boy in the school.

"I'd love to." You smiled, then you opened your text book to the required page.

Isaac's jaw dropped and Scott and Stiles looked at each other raising their eyebrows.

That was the moment he knew he loved you, it was the simple things, mainly your smile when you said yes, it created a warm, tingly sensation inside of him that he'd never felt before.

When he realises he's fallen for you he immediately tries to force himself to stop, he forbid himself for a long time to have feelings. But he couldn't help but let his mind wonder on what it would feel like to hold you in his arms and run his hands through your hair... but then he shook himself out of his thoughts.

That's when he saw you walking towards him, he would notice you from miles away as you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. No one seemed to notice that Theo would always turn his usual frown into a smile around you.

You finally stood in front of him and smiled up at him, "Raeken." You smirked.

"Y/n." He smiled.

He knew he should tell you how he felt but he could never tell you. Theo walked you to class and you both sat next to each other, Theo couldn't stop his feelings overtaking his mind as you were sat so close to him, almost touching. He yearned to turn you around to face him and kiss you right then and there but he knew if he did he'd be letting his feelings overtake him and he knew he shouldn't.

But this time he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head and did it anyway, "y/n?" He said quietly, you turned to face him and he immediately pressed his lips to yours. You pulled away as soon as he kissed you and Theo opened his eyes in shock until you kissed him back, all of his thoughts and feelings disappeared as he sank deeper and deeper into the kiss until the bell rang making you both spring apart.

As you started reading through your text book Theo smiled as he realised what he'd been missing for so long.

Hope you all enjoyed this preference!

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