new meetings | malia x isaac

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It was a dark day in Beacon Hills, the pack was struggling with its dwindling numbers, considering Scott, Lydia and Malia were the only experienced members of the pack.

Scott had called for reinforcements but weeks into fighting the new hunters no one had turned up.

That night after a disastrous defeat and Liam becoming injured, the pack gathered in Scott's living room trying to come up with a new plan.

"So, what are we going to do?" Lydia asked, usually she had the help of Stiles but he was preoccupied with a FBI training program.

"I have no idea." Scott shrugged, putting his head in his hands as he sat at the kitchen table.

Malia looked at her best friends sympathetically, she wished she could help but she was just as clueless as them.

Just as their desperation was becoming worse, a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

"Need a hand?" A voice asked, someone the pack hadn't heard for years.

Scott looked up with a hopeful facial expression, "how'd you get in here?"

Isaac fished in his coat pocket and pulled out a key, "you think I'd get rid of my spare key?" He grinned.

Whilst Lydia and Scott were happy to see an old friend, Malia stared at him in confusion.

"Sorry, who are you?" Malia asked as he looked over at her, his blue eyes gleaming.

"I'm sorry, love. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Isaac Lahey." He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth.

Malia frowned, "who?"

Scott chuckled, "he used to be- sorry, he's still in my pack... he left after Allison..."

Isaac's smile faltered at the name but he composed himself quickly, "yeah... I heard my friends were in need of help, so here I am."

Malia nodded, still staring at him for a moment as Scott and Lydia embraced him in a hug.

After the meeting Isaac was about to walk home when Scott piped up, "Malia can drive you home, you don't have to walk, right, Lia?"

Malia glared at Scott, "sure."

Malia wondered over to her car and got inside as Isaac got into the passenger side.

"So, you're Malia?" He asked, smiling over at her.

"Yep, the one and only." She nodded, starting the engine.

Isaac grinned, pulling on his seatbelt, "and you're a werewolf?"

"Werecoyote." Malia corrected him.

"Interesting." Isaac raised his eyebrows as he looked over at her, trying to figure her out.

"Did your family not miss you whilst you were away?" Malia asked.

Isaac stayed quiet for a moment, "I don't have any family left, they're all gone."

Malia's eyes widened as she realised what she'd said, "oh, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay." Isaac shrugged.

"No it's not... my family are all gone now... apart from my step-father, he's all I have." Malia admitted.

"It's like we're soulmates." Isaac laughed.

Malia frowned whilst he couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm joking!" Isaac smiled after seeing the look of shock on her face, "unless you don't want it to be a joke..." he teased.

A pale pink blush spread across her cheeks but luckily the car was dark and he couldn't see, "maybe I don't want it to be a joke..." she said quietly, hoping he didn't hear.

He heard.

"Malia, would you do me the honour of joining me for dinner tomorrow?" He asked charmingly.

"M-me?" She stuttered.

He chuckled lightly, "no, the ghost in the back seat," he joked, "of course, you."

"Oh, um, I'd love to." She tried to conceal a smile as she drove but Isaac saw her lips twitch into a smile.

"You know, you're not so bad, Tate." He admitted, relaxing back in the passenger seat.

"Is that your way of flirting, Isaac?" Malia asked.

"Maybe." He grinned.

Malia eventually made it to the apartment building Isaac was staying in, "well, this is your stop."

"Shame. It was nice getting to know you, Tate. I'll see you for dinner tomorrow." He winked as he got out of the car and closed the door behind him.

Malia sunk back in her seat nearly squealing with excitement as he walked away, she'd never been the type to fawn over boys but Isaac Lahey was definitely an exception.

Hope you all enjoyed! Something different since I secretly (or not so secretly) love this ship!

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