when you get mad at him

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He knows when you're mad because he can sense it, and even if it's not at him he still makes every effort to make you forgive him or be happy again.

He buys you a bouquet of your favourite flowers alongside a love note and leaves it in your kitchen.

I hate seeing you upset and I want to do everything I can to make it better for you...
Look outside of your door.

When you open your door you're surprised to see a rectangular flat box on the floor and you pick it up and take it inside. You open it to reveal a silky black dress with another note besides it.

"Meet me in our spot at 7.
Love, Scott."

Even if you were mad at him you couldn't say no to him, so you got ready and drove to your 'spot' which was a flower garden where you first kissed.

As you approach the bench that had became your meeting point over the years you saw rose petals scattered along the path, leading to a table and surrounded by candles.

"Wow." You take a deep intake of breath.

"Wow." You heard Scott say too, as he saw you in your new dress, "you look beautiful."

He treated you to a candlelit dinner underneath the stars and then he walked you back to your car, and he kissed you before you left. A long, lingering kiss that stayed with you until you got home and you couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow.

Stiles is the most clueless boy in the history of boys so he can never tell when you're mad at him so you simply have to tell him.

"You know I'm mad at you right?" You roll your eyes as Stiles tries to put his arm around you at your locker.

"Is that why you've been avoiding me all day?" He says exasperatedly, "what's wrong y/n?"

You turn to face him and look him directly in his eyes, knowing it makes him uncomfortable.

"I saw you flirting with Lydia, I know she was your first love but you have to get over her... Please." A look of desperation crossed your face now as Stiles listened to you.

"Look, we're just friends, I promise. That was just a third grade crush, I love you y/n! I'll even shout it down the halls if you need me to prove it to you..." Stiles opened his mouth wide, about to shout it, his eyes looking at you waiting for you to tell him to stop.

"I.." He shouted, not loud enough for people to notice though, and you immediately grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Will that shut you up, Stilinski?" You stare at him.

"Y-yes." He stutters.

"Great." You continue to stare at him.

"Oh... um, y/n do you wanna go out with me tonight? My treat."

"How sweet of you, Stiles. I'd love to." You smirk at him as you saunter off to your class as he stares after you dumbfounded.

Isaac thinks of himself as the most romantic guy there is so he isn't afraid to outdo himself, but he also isn't the most outgoing type either.

When you're mad at him he'll do anything you want but even if you're mad at him you never want to take advantage of him. Instead you just let him figure it out himself.

"Come on y/n, what did I do this time?" He sighs infuriatingly.

"Isaac." You sigh, "I asked you to be careful on your little 'werewolf missions but you come home looking like you've been through hell... And I just get angry because you're hurt and I can't protect you."

Isaac's face softens, "y/n.." He pulls you in for a hug, "how about we watch some tv and eat ice cream together ok?"

So to make you feel better you spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa and watching Disney movies.

Liam can also sense when you're mad at him and he immediately has to know what he's done even if you won't tell him.

It's a Saturday and you're at his house playing video games, but your heart just isn't in it.

"What's wrong y/n?" He asks, pausing the game and turning to face you.

"Nothing.." You say, trailing off.

He puts his hand on top of yours, "y/n.. what is it?"

You turn to face him, "it's Hayden, she keeps telling me that you two used to date and that it isn't long before you two get back together, and it's just riled me up."

Liam rolled his eyes when he heard the mention of his ex's name, "honestly there's nothing between us y/n. I promise, it's you I want not her, and it's been that way for a long time."

"Ok..." You could see it in his eyes that he was being truthful so you kissed him on the cheek and grabbed the remote from his and unpaused the game and started playing, Liam's slow reaction got his character killed.

"Oh come on!" He laughed but looking at the smile on your face it made him happy that you weren't angry anymore.

hope you liked this one :) please vote and comment, I love reading your comments :)

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