spin the bottle | liam dunbar

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You sat opposite Liam in a crowded living room, staring at the bottle in the middle of the circle of people playing spin the bottle.

"I nominate... Liam." The popular girl at the edge of the circle yelled, slightly drunk.

You looked over at him as he looked at the floor, regretting his decision to take part in the game.

A boy sat near Liam reached forward and spun the bottle, it seemed like an eternity before it slowed down. The tip of the bottle pointed towards you and your heart skipped a beat, you looked over at the popular girl who glared at you.

"Well, if you don't accept the challenge I'll happily accept it." She slurred.

You looked over at Liam who's eyes pleaded with you to accept.

"Okay, I accept." You nodded slightly.

"You have seven minutes, have fun." The popular girl grimaced as she opened the door to the closet. You stepped in after Liam and the door slammed closed, leaving you both in complete darkness.

"This isn't awkward at all." You say quietly, your eyes straining to make out the outline of Liam in the dark.

"Well..." he trailed off, "we're kinda in here for seven minutes so we may as well ask each other questions to pass the time."

"Okay... aren't you still with Hayden? Why are you at this party alone?" You asked.

"Can't a guy go to a party without a girlfriend?" He asked into the darkness.

"Oh." You were closer now, you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.

"About Hayden... we're not really together anymore, I broke it off because I love someone else." He muttered.

Your heart fluttered as you could sense him step closer to you, "I think that girl really liked you, huh?" You asked, trying to avoid an awkward silence.

He chuckled softly, "yeh... but she's not the girl I love."

"Who would that be?" You asked innocently.

You felt his hands cup your face as your bodies were now touching. His lips touched yours gently as his hands travelled down your body, pulling you closer to him.

"To answer your question, it's you." He whispered against your ear.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, "me?"

"Yes." He said simply before kissing you again.

Suddenly the door creaked open, "times up, love birds." Someone drawled.

You both leapt apart, but Liam took hold of your hand as you left the small room. You could still feel the sweet lingering taste of his lips on yours as he led you outside.

"Where are we going?" You asked him, the cold outside made you shiver and he wrapped his arms around you.

"I figured we should finish what started... but it's kinda cold out here isn't it?" He laughed quietly.

"It is kinda cold." You smiled up at him.

"Come on, lets go home." He offered, walking you to his car in front of the house.

You sank into the warmth of the heated passenger seat, "I can't believe you have heated seats, these are amazing."

Liam laughed, "perfect for times like this." He smiled.


Liam invited you up to his room, it was surprisingly clean and organised, you imagined it somewhat... different. Not that you'd imagined ever being in Liam Dunbar's room.

"Shall we finish where we left off?" He smirked as he stepped towards you.

You smiled, wrapping your arms around his back as he leaned towards you.

"I love you, y/n, I'm sorry I've never told you how I feel." He whispered.

"I love you too, Liam." You said quietly, smiling up at him as he looked at you in awe with his beautiful, bright blue eyes.

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