worried | scott mccall

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You sat on your bed, legs crossed and head in hands as you waited for your boyfriend, Scott, to come home.

It was getting late and you were extremely worried, he usually tended to come home with cuts and bruises all over his body and every night you were worried that he wouldn't come home.

Checking your phone for what felt like the hundredth time that night you heard a tap on your window and you immediately rushed over and opened it, revealing a bloody and bruised Scott.

"Scott!" You whisper-yelled, trying to keep the noise down so your family didn't come rushing in.

You pulled him inside, helping him up as he struggled to climb inside.

Once he was inside you wrapped your arms around him but he let out a groan, you let him go and guided him over to your bed, making him sit down.

"What happened?" You asked worriedly, hurrying to your bathroom and filling a bowl full of water and grabbing a small towel.

"The hunters..." he mumbled, holding his hand against the side of his head.

"Let me see," You said softly, removing his hand gently you saw his hair was matted with blood, "oh, Scott."

Observing the rest of him closely you saw he had multiple cuts and blood all over his t-shirt.

Without saying anything you started gently cleaning up the blood as he closed his eyes in pain.

"I was really worried about you, Scott... I didn't think you were coming back... I always have these thoughts in my head that I won't see you again." You admit sadly, knowing that the exact thing had happened to your friends.

"I nearly didn't make it back, y/n." Scott said quietly.

You stopped cleaning his wounds for a moment  before he spoke again.

"I was on the verge of giving up, y/n... I was crouching behind a wall trying to gain more strength... I thought about giving up, but then I remembered that I had the love of my life depending on me making it home, you gave me the strength to fight back." He said, looking up at you with tears welling in his eyes.

You could feel tears forming in your eyes too, "I don't know what to say, Scott... I'm just glad you came back to me."

"Me too," He smiled softly, "thank you for always looking after me, y/n."

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