wrap party | the teen wolf cast

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since it's the wrap party today i thought i'd write an imagine for it :) enjoy!

the cast gathered together one final time to celebrate six years of an amazing show that they didn't think would have gotten so far.

the party was being held in a club that jeff davis had hired out in downtown l.a.

once you were ready in skinny jeans and a white lace top you walked outside and got into your car, driving towards the venue. it was exciting yet sad at the same time, you were all saying goodbye to something that meant so much to all of you.

you pulled up in the car park outside of the venue and you saw a few familiar cars that used to live on the teen wolf set, tyler posey's truck was instantly recognisable. you checked your makeup in the mirror before getting out and heading towards the doors of the club.

music was already radiating from the inside, you walked inside and were immediately greeted with a bear hug from tyler posey, "hey y/n!" his muscular arms wrapped around you and squeezed you tight.

"hey... tyler!" you struggled to breath as he squeezed you too tight.

"oh, sorry!" he chuckled as he let go.

"is everyone here?" you asked.

"um, well there's a few that haven't arrived yet... maybe some aren't coming i guess." he shrugged as he scratched the back of neck nervously, you knew how much this meant to him having everyone together. you desperately hoped the one person who meant the most to him showed up, even though it was highly unlikely since they were on the other side of the world.

you joined the cast as they danced together and you even had a dance battle with shelley hennig who had some insane dance moves.

the night went on and the party continued, someone had even brought a karaoke machine, you sang duets with tyler and shelley who couldn't stop laughing the whole time as they enjoyed themselves.

a few familiar faces appeared throughout the night, crystal reed showed up with her boyfriend and they mingled with the cast as if she'd never left. arden cho even made an appearance and you talked about how much you'd missed her on set. tyler couldn't stop smiling the whole night, yet there was a slight sadness in his eyes whenever he'd look towards the door in hopes that the person he wanted most to show up would walk through those doors.

the cast took group pictures and selfies together to post later so that the fans could feel included, snapchats were taken throughout the night as the cast partied away.

you glanced at the time on your phone it was nearly midnight and when you looked up at tyler he looked as if he trying to hold back tears, "he's not coming, is he?"

"i don't know, ty." you smiled sadly.

when the clock struck twelve the music was turned down so that tyler could make a speech to everyone that had made them all teary eyed.

"first off, i'd like to say thank you to everyone for coming it really means a lot to me," he smiled as he looked out at everyone who'd appeared, even some old faces such as tyler hoechlin and daniel sharman had shown up, "this show and this cast has been like my family for these past six years, they've been my anchor, i guess," he laughed at the reference, "it's really sad that we're saying goodbye to such an amazing show that turned out to be a worldwide success which we never thought would happen... it was just a cheesy show about werewolves and it has turned out to be so much more," he wiped away a tear that fell down his cheek, "um, sorry, this show just means so much to me that's it hard to let go," he said, "so thank you to those that have been here since the start," he glanced out at the crowd surrounding him and saw holland roden and some other actors that had been in the show since season one, "and those that have only joined us recently or in the later seasons, thank you." he smiled before setting the microphone down and stepping off the small stage.

"that was great, tyler." you hugged him tightly.

"thanks y/n." he rubbed your back gently, although you knew he was just trying to comfort himself.

"oh man, what did i miss?" a familiar voice spoke behind you and tyler let go of you, turning around to look at the one and only dylan o'brien.

"you made it!" tyler exclaimed as he ran towards his best friend and wrapped his arms around him.

"oh!" dylan gasped as he couldn't breath, then he hugged tyler back, "sorry for taking so long... it's a long flight." he chuckled.

"i'm glad you're here, now the whole gang is really back together." tyler said as he let go.

dylan hugged you next, "hey, y/n." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you, grasping the back of your shirt as he pulled you closer to him.

"hey dyl, i'm so glad you could make it." you smiled as he pulled away.

"i'm glad i did make it, the flight was delayed and the traffic was extremely bad, but i had to make it because this show is a huge part of my life." he smiled.

"mine too." you agreed.

"me three!" tyler shouted as he overheard you.

everyone cheered and dylan, yourself and tyler were absorbed into the crowd as you danced the rest of the night away. the perfect end to a perfect night with your best friends.

"promise we'll stay friends even after this all ends?" tyler asked you above the music.

"of course!" you smiled as he took your hand and swirled you around.

"great!" he shouted over the music.

they were your family, of course they'd stay in your heart forever.


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