the new guy [2] | nolan holloway

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so a lot of you guys requested this,
so here it is!

The next day at school you tried your hardest to steer clear of Nolan, seeing all of the guns in his fathers car had made you and the rest of the pack even more suspicious of him.

Scott and Stiles knew you had developed a slight crush on him already so they tried their best to cheer you up.

You had been successful in not seeing him all day until you turned a corner into a corridor and found yourself face to face with him. Immediately you turned around and speed walked in the opposite direction.

"Y/n!" You heard his voice call out, you felt your heart skip a beat but you kept walking away.

At the end of the day you headed straight towards Stiles' jeep where Scott and Stiles greeted you.

"Hey, y/n, so we have a possible lead on the new threat, you in?" Scott asked as you climbed into the back of the jeep.

"Of course I'm in!" You exclaimed, thankful for a distraction.

Stiles drove to the forest and parked outside of the Beacon Hills reserve, "why do we always come here?" You asked.

Stiles shrugged, "I guess the villains really like the woods."

The boys got out of the jeep and you followed them, looking around constantly.

Scott took the lead as you and Stiles walked behind him.

"I'm sorry about Nolan." Stiles murmured as he walked besides you.

You sighed, "me too."

No one spoke as the three of you wondered through the woods until you all heard the sound of twigs snapping.

Scott stopped and held his arms out to protect the both of you.

You looked ahead and saw two figures standing in the distance, a tall, broad man standing next to a younger, slim boy.

They were instantly recognisable as they held guns in their hands.

Scott stayed still as you looked at Stiles, "get behind me." He said.

You shook your head, "no, they won't shoot."

"You can't know that, y/n," Stiles insisted, "now get behind me."

You didn't move, ignoring his orders.

Not wanting to believe Nolan was one of the bad guys you moved forward slightly, only for his dad to hold up his gun and point it at Scott.

Nolan's eyes widened as he recognised you, his heart beat racing he immediately told his dad to stop, "dad, don't shoot."

"It's them, son. Scott McCall, the true alpha and his little sidekick, I'm not sure about the girl." His father said with amusement as he aimed his gun at the alphas heart.

"Dad, please." Nolan begged.

His dad raised his eyebrows as he kept his gun on Scott, "does someone have a crush?"

Nolan scoffed, "what? No!"

"Good." His dad said before pressing his finger against the trigger.

"No!" Nolan yelled as he watched the bullet head towards Scott.

Scott stood frozen on the spot as he watched the bullet speed towards him, without hesitating you ran in front of him.

"Y/n!" A yell came from Scott as he watched you fall in front of him.

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