different [2] | liam dunbar

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Months after your friendship with Liam Dunbar fell apart you still weren't over the loss of your best friend.

His friends would always give you sympathetic looks whenever they saw you in the hallways making you feel even worse that they got to be friends with Liam but not you, you still didn't understand.

You didn't manage to make any other friends, everyone was already in cliques or didn't acknowledge your existence.

Besides, no one could ever replace Liam.

One day when you were walking through the halls of school you noticed that a certain group of people weren't standing in their usual spot by their lockers.

There was no sign of Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia or even Liam. You found it quite strange that they were all off school at the same time but you shrugged it off when you realised that you should stop caring about them.

Throughout the school day you still felt like there was something happening but you couldn't quite figure it out.

When the final bell rang signalling the end of school you hurriedly packed your bag and left the school, starting your long walk home.

You still couldn't shake the feeling like something was wrong, looking around on the way home you thought you saw something hiding in the trees on the side on the road.

Checking your phone for the time you heard footsteps rushing towards you and before you knew it someone had shoved a bag over your head and everything went black.

You tried to struggle but two strong arms restricted your movements until you felt a sharp prick in your arm and your whole body went numb.

Hours later you became conscious but your whole body ached, even opening your eyes was a difficult task.

When you finally managed to open your eyes you found yourself in a dark room full of equipment.

"Ah, you're awake." A voice echoed through the room, a young boy stepped out from the shadows and he seemed eerily familiar as he held a needle containing green liquid.

"Wh-what's happening?" You asked nervously.

The boy walked closer to you and he smirked, "nothing you need to be concerned with just yet... I'm waiting for your little friends to come and 'rescue' you so they can watch your demise in front of their eyes."

You frowned, "what friends?"

He chuckled evilly, "oh! That's right, I forgot Liam didn't want to be your friend anymore, silly me."

Suddenly you recognised the boy as Theo Raeken, you'd only seen him around the school a few times but he always had a strange vibe about him.

"What are you going to do with that?" You asked, nodding towards the needle.

You couldn't do much with the rest of your body since you were strapped to a chair, chains bounded around your wrists and ankles.

"I've been... experimenting, this will either turn you into what I like to call a Chimera... or your body might reject it and you die." He shrugged.

Theo laughed as he saw the expression on your face, but he didn't say anything as he walked over to one of his tables, working on his 'experiments'.

Moments later Theo turned back to you, "they're here."

"Who's here?" You asked quickly before hearing shouts from the other side of the metal door before it began to open.

"Are you sure she's here?" You heard a familiar voice ask.

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