car crash [2] | stiles stilinski

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the long awaited part two, sorry for the wait ;)

stiles stared back at himself in his mirror, analysing the dark circles under his eyes, his sunken cheekbones and his unruly hair. it was the day of your funeral, two weeks after the car crash. he had barely slept or even eaten since then, he blamed himself for not listening to you- if he had you would've still been here with him.

he didn't want to face going to your funeral but he knew you'd want him go, he'd tried to write a speech of his feelings but all of the pieces of paper he'd written on lay scrunched up in balls next to litter bin. his eyes were red from crying, he had contemplated ending it all some nights ago but he knew he couldn't, he had his friends and his dad to think about.

noah lightly knocked on his sons bedroom door, causing stiles to snap out of his daze, "are you ready, son?" he asked softly.

stiles wiped the tears away with his shirt sleeve, "give me five minutes." he sniffled.

his dad walked away and waited for him downstairs whilst stiles pulled on his black jacket and attempted to tie his tie. a scream stuck in his throat as his frustration grew at not being able to tie it, he remembered one night that you were both going out.

"here, stiles..." you said softly, reaching up and fixing his tie, he rolled his eyes.

"i could've done it myself." he said sarcastically.

"sure." you chuckled before kissing his cheek.

stiles reached up and tied his tie slowly, he smiled slightly at the memory of you, then another tear rolled down his cheek at the thought of never seeing you again. he shook the thought out of his head and sloped out of his room, he saw his dad waiting for him at the kitchen table.

"ready, son?" he asked, standing up.

"not really, but i need to go." he said slowly, looking down.

his dad sighed, he hated seeing his son like this but he had no words to say that could make it any better. instead he drove him to the church the funeral was being held at in his own car since stiles' jeep was being repaired.

stiles stared out of the window as they approached, his dad laid his hand on his arm to comfort him after they'd parked, "i can't say that it'll get better... but saying goodbye one last time will help. just remember that i'll be sitting in there to support you like your friends." stiles nodded, he knew it must be hard on his dad, the last time he'd gone to a funeral was for his moms funeral.

"thanks, dad." stiles whispered, then he spotted scott waiting for him and he got out of the car and walked towards him.

"hey." scott greeted him, he was wearing a black shirt and black pants, he looked uncomfortable being at the church too, since it was where they'd held allison argent's funeral.

"hey, scott." stiles said sadly.

scott patted his friends back reassuringly, "i'll be there the whole time, okay?"

stiles nodded glumly and walked inside to see all of your family and friends, he quickly turned around but scott shook his head, "stiles, you need to be here."

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