really, y/n? | isaac lahey

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It had been months since your boyfriend, or now ex boyfriend, Isaac, moved to France. You were left heartbroken since he left, you thought you were going to be together forever but those kind of dreams simply couldn't exist in Beacon Hills where someone was always leaving or dying.

Your friends tried to help you and make you happy again but they could never heal the wound Isaac left until someone completely unexpected changed your mind.

Checking your phone one day before school leaning against the hood of your car you felt someone's gaze on you.

Looking up you saw a boy with a smirk across his lips and dark blond hair. He made his way towards you, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders as he did.

When he approached you his smirk turned into a smile, "hi there, I'm Theo."

"Hey, I'm y/n." You smiled, observing the boy in front of you.

"I'm new here, I was wondering if you knew where the biology class is?" He asked, looking down at a piece of paper he held in his hand.

You nodded, "I actually have that class first, we can walk together." You suggested.

"Thanks, I thought I'd end up wondering those halls forever trying to find it." He chuckled.

His laugh made goosebumps appear on your skin, it was a sound that you wouldn't mind hearing often.

From that moment on you and Theo were practically inseparable, he made you feel happier again and despite the packs protests they also couldn't deny that they hadn't seen you happy for a long time.

One night you were laying on your bed next to Theo as you both talked about everything and anything in the universe, you could listen to him talk about his theories endlessly as he was so passionate about them.

Theo was mindlessly playing with your hair until you heard the doorbell ring, snapping you both out of your own world.

You checked the time on your phone and saw that it was 11:00pm, you wondered who'd be at your door at this time.

"I'll be right back." You said, sitting up and getting off of your bed to go downstairs.

When you reached for the handle you didn't expect to see who was on the other side.

Isaac stood outside of your home wearing a long coat and a tartan scarf, his blue eyes pierced yours as he smiled weakly, "y/n."

"Isaac? What are you doing here?" You asked sadly, remembering how hurt he had left you.

"Well, Scott asked me to come back to help the pack... and I wanted to see you." He admitted, shoving his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Why would you need to see me?" You asked snarkily, not wanting to let him know his presence hurt you.

"I miss you-" he started to say, then he stopped as he seemed to sense something.

His eyes drifted behind you and you looked towards where he was looking.

Theo was standing at the top of the stairs gripping the banister fiercely.

"Who's that?" Isaac asked with a clenched jaw.

"Theo, my boyfriend." You said as you turned back to Isaac.

"Boyfriend..." Isaac repeated, eyeing Theo.

"That's right," Theo said as he started walking downstairs, "I am her boyfriend, and who are you?"

Theo now stood next to you and placed his hand on the small of your back.

"I'm y/n's ex boyfriend, Isaac Lahey, pleasure to meet you." Isaac turned on the charm and held out his hand which Theo shook quickly.

"It's nice to meet you too, I guess." Theo raised his eyebrows.

"Well, this is nice and all but I was hoping to talk to y/n alone." Isaac said, looking at you.

Theo glanced between the both of you, "okay... I trust y/n so I'm going to leave, I'll see you tomorrow, babe." He kissed your temple quickly before walking outside.

"Why did you really want to talk to me?" You asked, holding the door open for Isaac to walk inside.

"Like I said, I missed you... and I wanted to see if there was any chance of us getting back together." He said hopefully.

"You broke my heart, Isaac." You sighed, sitting down on your sofa whilst he stood near the fireplace.

His smile faltered, replaced by a frown, "I know I hurt you, and I've regretted it everyday since," He said, walking towards you and kneeling in front of you, "I really am sorry... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm begging for a second chance."

You looked at him in shock, not sure how to respond, "Isaac... you know I'm with Theo now, he makes me happy."

"I used to make you happy, y/n." He said, reaching over for your hand which you moved away.

"Used to, Isaac." You noted.

"I would do anything to make you happy again, y/n. I've missed your smile... your laugh..." He trailed off, he was desperate for you to forgive him.

You thought back to the times you shared with Isaac, how happy he made you, how in love with him you were that you would've done anything for him. You knew the breakup wasn't meant to be malicious, he just couldn't stay in a relationship when he had to move to France.

Suddenly your phone vibrated and you checked the text that popped up on your screen from Theo.

I saw how you looked at him, y/n, you're still in love with him. I don't want to stop you from being happy, thank you for making me happy these past few months. I'm letting you go, y/n.

As much as it hurt to read that message you looked up at Isaac who held so much hope in his eyes.

"I can't forgive you just yet, Isaac, but I'm willing to try again." You said, taking hold of his hand.

He sat on the sofa whilst holding your hand, rubbing his thumb over your hand gently.

"I'll wait for you as long as you need, y/n." He said quietly.

You didn't reply, instead you leaned closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you, hugging you close to him.

requested by illsavemyself
hope you like it :)

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