scallison wedding | one shot

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Scott was stood in front of his mirror fixing his bow tie, he glanced over at a picture on his bed side table of his girlfriend and soon to be wife

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Scott was stood in front of his mirror fixing his bow tie, he glanced over at a picture on his bed side table of his girlfriend and soon to be wife. He sighed, he was still unsure whether he wanted to marry her, there was only one girl he'd ever loved and she wasn't here anymore.

Melissa knocked on his bedroom door lightly, "Scott? Are you ready?"

"In a minute, mom." He said, shaking the thought of her out of his mind.

His phone pinged with a message and he quickly read it.

It was from Stiles.

Sorry man, I'm gonna be a little late, I promise I'll be there to watch you watch the love of your life walk up the aisle ;)

"But she isn't the love of my life." He mumbled to himself.

He walked downstairs to where his mom was nearly tearing up, "I'm so happy for you, Scott." She smiled softly.

"Thanks, mom." He pasted a fake smile on his lips.

He headed outside where a car was waiting for him, he strolled towards it in no hurry and got inside, heading to the church.

Meanwhile, Stiles was rushing around the veterinary practice with Deaton as they were preparing to do something nearly impossible.

The body of the one and only Allison Argent lay on the operating table, "alright, Stiles, we have one chance to do this right."

"I get it!" Stiles said, slightly panicking.

He handed Deaton a needle of green liquid and watched as he injected the needle into her heart.

They waited with baited breath, glancing at each other nervously.

"Oh man." Stiles murmured nervously, worried it didn't work.

Suddenly they heard someone gasp for breath and they looked down to see Allison's chest rise and fall as her eyes fluttered open.

"S-Stiles?" She stuttered, looking between the two men above her.

"Allison," he breathed a sigh of relief, "it worked."

"I'm alive...?" She sat up gingerly, looking down at her body.

"Yes, listen, there's no time to explain but how do you feel about marrying the man you love?" Stiles asked hopefully, knowing it would be hard to take in.

"Scott?" She asked slowly.

Stiles nodded, "he's getting married today but he doesn't love her, there's never been anyone like you, Alli... so what do you say?"

"D-do you have a dress?" She asked, looking down at the sweatpants and t-shirt was in, they must've been Stiles'.

Stiles laughed, "of course!"

Scott was waiting at the front of the church by the altar, waiting for his girlfriend to appear or Stiles, either one would've been a relief to see.

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate and he glanced down at it discreetly.

Come to the bridge in the woods, it's urgent.

It was from Stiles, he immediately knew he had to go.

He looked around and didn't see his mom anywhere so he left.

He ran as fast as he could, his feet knew where to take him as he would often go to the bridge to think.

But this time was different, he saw a small crowd of people gathered on the bridge, as he got closer he saw Stiles... and his mom, along with Chris Argent and Lydia too.

As he got closer Stiles turned to face him with a grin on his face, "hey, man! You made it."

"What's happening?" Scott asked, extremely confused.

"Just stand here..." Stiles pointed to a spot on the bridge, he stood next to Scott as the others stood on either side of the bridge.

"Come on, man, you gotta tell me what's happening." Scott whispered to Stiles.

"Look." Stiles nodded to something... or someone in the distance.

Scott rubbed his eyes as his heart skipped a beat... it couldn't be...

The most beautiful girl stepped out from behind the trees adorned in a simple, elegant white dress with dark brown hair tumbling past her shoulders.

"Allison." He gasped.

Stiles smiled to himself as he saw the awestruck expression on his best friends face.

As she got closer he saw the smile on her face too, Scott couldn't believe his eyes as she was now stood in front of him.

"Hi, Scott." She smiled.

His mouth was dry as he tried to reply, "Allison?"

She laughed angellically, "it's really me, Scott... Stiles told me you wanted to marry the one you loved... but the only problem was they weren't here."

Scott shook his head in disbelief as Stiles cleared his throat, "let's get this show on the road!"

He took a book from inside his jacket and began reading, Scott stared at him confused.

"I got my wedding licence online, now may I continue?" Stiles said as he noticed Scott staring at him.

Scott nodded as a smirk appeared on his lips, "go ahead."

"Now I pronounce you, man and wife! You may kiss the bride!" Stiles exclaimed.

Scott wasted no time in pressing his lips against Allison's, she kissed him back happily.

"I've missed you so much." Scott whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I've missed you too, Scott. I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too, wife." He grinned.

Allison giggled, "I always dreamed of you calling me that."

"Alright, lovebirds! Let's go! You have a plane to catch!" Stiles said, ushering them towards his jeep that was parked away from the bridge.

"Where are we going?" Allison asked as she sat in the back with Scott, he wrapped his arms around her, still not believing she was real.

Stiles glanced back at Scott and smiled, "the city of love."

"Really?" Allison asked hopefully, she'd always wanted to go there...

Stiles nodded, his lips still remained a smile as he couldn't believe he'd managed to pull this whole thing off.

"Thank you, Stiles." Scott said, smiling at his best friend.

"No problem, buddy. Love you." He laughed.

"Love you too, bud." Scott laughed as Stiles drove them to the airport.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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