officer stilinski

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driving towards your home town beacon hills after a year away made your thoughts go into overdrive. you couldn't stop thinking about your best friends and the boy whose heart you broke when you left, even if it was just for a year. you hadn't noticed that you were going well over the speed limit until you heard the blare of a siren behind you and when you checked your interior mirror you saw red and blue lights spinning.

"uh oh." you groaned, pulling over to the side of the road and rolling down your window.

"ma'am, do you realise how fast you were going?" a familiar voice asked, you looked up at the figure standing besides your car, his face covered with shadow from the dark of the night, but you'd recognise those honey coloured eyes anywhere.

"stiles?" you gasped.

the man stood outside of your car looked down at you and squinted, "y/n?" he tried to hide the surprise in his voice as he stepped back.

"what are you doing?" you asked, in shock that the boy you were head over heels for was standing outside your car in a police mans outfit.

"making people obey the law," he said sternly, "like you should be doing ma'am." his attitude towards you changed suddenly.

"stiles..." you started to say but stiles glared at you.

he let out a deep breath you didn't notice he'd been holding, "y/n, please step out of the vehicle."

you obeyed him as he opened the car door for you and then closed it behind you.

"stand in front of the hood, y/n." he said solemnly.

you did as you were told.

"i, uh, have to check that you haven't gotten anything on you, standard check." stiles stuttered, suddenly you felt hands patting your legs upward.

you could feel yourself blush as his hands travelled further up your body.

"stiles... i'm sorry." you blurted out suddenly.

the hands suddenly stopped and you heard stiles take a sharp intake of breath, "what?" he asked.

you turned around and stiles' face was inches from yours now, you could feel his breathing quickening, "i'm sorry for leaving you... i know nothing ever happened between us but god i wish it did."

stiles seemed to scan your face with his eyes, searching for something, "really?" his breathing hitched.

"yeh." you said quietly.

"you know you really hurt me when you left... but man, i can't wait any longer to do this." he said before his lips were suddenly on yours and he pushed you up against the car bonnet.

"maybe we should take this somewhere... else." stiles said as he pulled away and nodded towards his police car.

you bit your lip as you thought about stiles in his police uniform, slowly taking it off. he took your hand and pulled you to his car and got into the back. he pulled you inside and you ended up on top of him.

"man, i can't believe i've waited so long for this." he said quietly.

he pulled you down onto him and you kissed him, slowly at first and then the pace quickened. soon yours and stiles bodies were touching with not a single item of clothing separating you, the warmth of his body spread onto yours.

"this was definitely worth waiting for... and i accept your apology." stiles whispered into your ear, and then his lips made their way across your cheek and downwards, he peppered kisses down your neck and across your shoulder.

"wow." you gasped.

stiles stopped and you turned to look at him, "does this mean that you're coming home?" he asked hopefully.

"yes... i am. i'm going to stay too." you lay your head on his bare chest, listening to his heart beat.

"good. i'm so glad you came back, y/n, beacon hills hasn't been the same without you." stiles sighed.

hope you all enjoyed! please vote and comment! <3

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