final imagine

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since it's the final imagine and chapter of this book, here's my dream ending;

A young child with long brown hair ran to the swings in the playground, followed by two other children. One with shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair and the other had short black hair.

"Come back here, Allison!" The strawberry blonde yelled to her brunette friend.

"Hurry up, Claudia! I want to play on the swings." The girl named Allison called back to the strawberry blonde, Claudia.

Claudia was already besides Allison on the swings as she waited for her brother, Aiden.

"Wait for me!" Aiden yelled, the young boy was fast but not as fast as his supernatural friend, Allison.

Four adults trailed behind them, laying out a large picnic blanket with a huge basket full of food.

"Be careful!" Stiles yelled out, watching his two children, Claudia and Aiden, play together.

Scott just laughed at his daughters determination to get onto the swing set, Allison was small but she sure was strong- considering she was a werewolf like him.

Scott took hold of his wife's hand, Malia squeezed his hand in return before letting go and helping Lydia set up the picnic.

Stiles glanced over at Scott, "first one to the swing set wins." He yelled, getting a head start.

Lydia watched Stiles with an adoring smile, "boys." She laughed, shaking her head as Malia smiled.

"This is my favourite day of the week, being with you and the kids." Malia stated, she was telling the truth, she loved spending time with her best friend, Scott and the kids.

"It's mine too, Lia." Lydia said, looking at her best friend. Ever since Allison had died she'd been extremely lonely, her only friends being Scott and Stiles, but when she'd gotten to know Malia more they quickly became best friends.

Scott and Stiles played with the kids and pushed them on the swings as they squealed and laughed.

"You know," Scott said, looking over at his best friend, "I never imagined that we'd get to experience this... I always thought we'd have to keep fighting monsters all of the time. I'm so glad this is our life now, man. It's so much easier."

Stiles nodded, looking from his best friend to the love of his life, Lydia Martin, "me too. We have everything we ever wanted and nothing supernatural has bothered us for years."

"Don't jinx it, Stilinski." A familiar voice said behind them, the boys turned around and saw Derek Hale standing there, smiling for once and holding a bag presumably filled with gifts for the kids.

"Derek, what a nice surprise." Stiles said, looking at Scott who hugged his friend.

"Nice to see you too, Stilinski." Derek chuckled, then his gaze turned to Malia who appeared next to him.

"Derek! What are you doing here?" Malia asked.

"Aren't I allowed to come and see you and the kids?" He grinned, holding up the bag, "plus I brought gifts from Rio."

"Travelling again?" Lydia asked as she joined them by the swing set.

"Well, there was another reason I came back," he held up his hand and showed his ring finger which held a single gold band, "Braeden and I got married and went travelling."

"Sourwolf got married?" Stiles asked in shock, his eyebrows raised.

Derek laughed, "funny, Stiles."

"Kids, come and see what Derek brought you all!" Lydia called them over and they gathered around Derek as the others watched.

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating, catching up with 'uncle Derek' and playing in the park.

They all stayed in the park until the sun began to set and Stiles and Lydia began to clean up.

When they had a moment alone as Malia and Scott played with the kids, Stiles pulled Lydia close to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I feel like I haven't had a moment with you to myself all day." He murmured as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't worry, you can have me all to yourself tonight... Malia offered to have the kids sleepover at her and Scott's house." Lydia smirked, looking up at her handsome husband.

"Oh she did?" Stiles' eyes twinkled, "does that mean we can watch Star Wars without any interruptions?"

Lydia rolled her eyes, "whatever you want, Stilinski."

"I'm kidding... okay, maybe not but I can't wait to spend the night alone with my girl." He smiled softly, his chestnut brown eyes observed his wife's beauty as she stood in front of him.

"Come on, let's get home." Lydia said softly, picking up the picnic blankets as Stiles grabbed the baskets.

They hugged and kissed their kids goodbye and made their way home in Stiles' jeep that was still going after all these years.

"You know, I really am the luckiest man alive, I still can't believe you agreed to marry me." Stiles admitted.

Lydia glanced over at Stiles, "of course I did, you asked me enough times." She chuckled softly.

Once they arrived home Stiles opened the passenger door for Lydia, "after you, my lady."

"Oh stop it, Mieczyslaw." She teased.

Without further warning Stiles pulled Lydia into his arms and muttered into her ear, "jump." She did as he said and he grasped onto her legs and wrapped them around his waist, carrying her back into their home, closing the door and proceeding to take her to their bedroom for a Star Wars 'marathon'.

Their lives were finally perfect. Stiles and Lydia were together, happy and in love- acting like newly weds all the time. Scott and Malia were alive and thankful they had no more supernatural threats to deal with, they'd only gotten married recently with encouragement from Stiles and Lydia. Scott even took Malia to France for their honeymoon.

The rest of the pack either still lived in Beacon Hills or went travelling the world like Derek. Scott's beta, Liam, found that sometimes you need to be open to new things, Theo Raeken was one of those. Mason and Corey went off to the same college and are very much in love and enjoying themselves. Melissa and Chris solved their differences and he finally called her back, which resulted in many dates.


the ending was basically just what i wanted in the end tbh, all the characters happy and alive :) hope you all enjoyed this and it cheers you up slightly.
(also, this is the final imagine! thank you all for reading this book, voting and commenting, it means so much to me- more than you think, it makes me so happy that you guys enjoy my writing and i hope you stick with me and maybe read my other teen wolf/original books that i'll be putting out.)


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