rainy day | stiles stilinski

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you sat on your window seat staring out of the window watching the rain pour down. suddenly a bright flash appeared striking down from the sky. thunder. you were always scared of thunder, you leaped out of your seat and ran to your room to gather pillows and blankets. you took them downstairs and put them all on your sofa and snuggled into them, they provided you with comfort ever since you were small.

you felt a buzz in your pocket but when you checked it it was just a notification from a game. you were hoping it was a text from stiles, stiles knew you'd always been scared of thunderstorms and he usually kept you company.

you pulled the blankets over you and tried to zone out the noise of the storm.

an hour passed and the storm still hadn't let up, but you heard a rushed knocking sound from your door. you threw your blankets off and ran to open the door, when you opened it a soaked stiles stepped inside.

"y/n, are you okay? i tried to get here as fast as i could but my jeep broke down and then my phone lost signal, it wasn't go-" you cut him off by wrapping him in a hug, "whoa!" he gasped, "you're getting all wet!" he said as you continued to hug him, he chuckled lightly and squeezed you tightly.

you let go of him and ran to your bathroom and grabbed a huge towel and ran back to stiles, "here," you wrapped it around him, "you're getting cold."

"thanks y/n." he grinned at you, then he glanced behind you and saw the pile of pillows and blankets. he laughed and wondered over and proceeded to get inside the mound of blankets. he lifted the other side of the blanket up and gestured for you to sit besides him.

you'd been best friends with stiles for a long time now and you'd always wanted something more but you always felt like he didn't feel the same way about you.

"stiles?" you looked over at him as he wrapped his arm around you protectively.

"yes y/n?" he looked down at you whilst you rested your head on his shoulder.

"um... okay i'm just going to say it," you had to say it now or you'd never have the courage to say it, "look, i really like you stiles and i don't know if you feel the same way but i've always thought there was something mor-" he cut you off by cupping your face with his free hand and turning you to face him, and then he kissed you. softly and sweetly at first, as if he was hesitant but then he started to kiss you more passionately.

after a while he pulled away, "you don't know how long i've wanted to do that, because i really like you too and i'm so glad you feel the same way."

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)
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