joining the pack | scott mccall

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"for the last time, y/n, i can't turn you... as soon as you become one of us there's a target on your back and i don't want that for you." scott complained.

you'd been wanting to become one of them for a while now, being one of the only humans sucked some times, although everyone could protect themselves apart from you, scott had taught stiles how to fight so you were the only defenceless one because scott wouldn't teach you as he didn't want you to be involved as he was scared of you getting hurt.

"scott, come on, y/n is basically one of us now and you shouldn't need to worry about her whenever she comes with us to do what we do." stiles chimed in.

scott signed and turned away from the pack, everyone was gathered around lydia's kitchen table.

"y/n, can i talk to you in private?" he huffed.

"fine." you followed him into the living room next to the kitchen.

"look, y/n... in any other situation i would consider turning you, but since we're dating... it's hard for me. i don't want you to get hurt and i know if you became like me you'd be stronger and more able to defend yourself but it's still dangerous. i don't know what i'd do if anything happened to you..." he trailed off.

"oh, scott." you placed your hand and his arm and he looked over at you. "i want this, okay? you think i don't know the risks? i've discussed it with everyone, especially liam since he was your first beta. i want to be able to take care of myself."

scott took a deep intake of breath and looked at you, his eyes locked on yours, "are one hundred percent sure?"

you knew he was close to giving in now, "yes, i am, scott."

"okay." he nodded.

then he took hold of your arm and rolled the sleeve of your jumper up slowly, "are you still sure you want this? there's no going back."

"yes, more than anything." you nodded.

before another second passed he brought your arm up to his mouth and bit down, his fangs piercing your skin, you yelped as the pain took over your body but it was gone before you knew it.

quickly he removed his mouth from your arm and checked you were okay, stiles came running into the room seconds after followed by everyone else.

choruses of "are you okay?" and "you actually convinced him to do it?" filled the room, but the only person in the room you were focused on was scott who was gripping your arm to take away any pain and his eyes were solely looking at you and nobody else.

after a while everyone left lydia's house and went home, and scott drove the both of you back home on his motorbike. he suggested that you stay at his house during the transition as he didn't want to leave you alone. besides the pain of when scott bit you, nothing else really felt different. you decided to text liam and ask him what happened after scott bit him, but for now you'd have to wait and see what would happen.

hope you guys enjoyed this imagine. :)
i might make a part 2 if you guys want.
please vote and comment<3

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