after high school

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after you graduate you stay in beacon hills until your boyfriend, scott, comes back from college. you took over from him in the vets with deaton to ensure that any animals or your supernatural friends would be looked after.

it was the day that scott was coming home after graduating college and the bell above the door rang in the vets office, you immediately knew who it was and you ran out of the operating room and jumped into his arms.

"h-hey, y/n!" he chuckled as you jumped into him.

"i'm so glad you're finally home, doctor mccall." you grinned as he looked at you with his puppy dog eyes.

"me too, y/n." he smiled before kissing you passionately, his hands held you close to him.

"oh!" you remembered as you jumped down from his grasp, "i have a patient." you said hurriedly as you ran back to the operating room, scott followed behind.

a medium sized dog lay on the grey metal table, scott walked over to it and lay his hand on the dogs fur, "it's okay." he comforted the whimpering dog. the veins on his arms turned dark as he took away the dogs pain, you admired your boyfriend as he was exactly how you remembered him, still the same caring, sweet boy you'd fallen in love with.

"i've missed you, scott." you rush to him and wrap your arms around him, taking him by surprise.

"i missed you too, y/n." he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

after stiles graduated college he became a successful fbi agent, he hadn't planned on going back to beacon hills but something drew him back when he was told to go and help their police department with the newest threat to the town.

what he didn't expect was to find the girl he used to be madly in love with in his dads office filing away some police reports.

he furrowed his eyebrows as he opened the door, you turned around quickly to see stiles who had gotten extremely more handsome than you'd last seen him. his brown hair was still messy but he seemed a lot more muscular than you'd last seen him, he was wearing a tank top and extremely tight skinny jeans that showed off just how buff he was.

"stiles?" you asked, unsure if it really was him.

"y/n." he said, his honey brown eyes fixed on your face.

"what are you doing here?" you asked sadly, remembering how he had left and not even kept in touch with you.

"i - uh, i'm here on a case, is my dad not here?" he looked at the desk and saw that your name had replaced his dads as the sheriff, "oh."

"your dad retired, stiles... i mean, he still helps out but he gave his job to me." you said, trying to hide the sadness of your voice.

"right," stiles sighed, "do you know anything about this case?" he strided over towards you and gave you a case file he'd been holding.

you flipped through the pages, scanning the words, "i guess we're getting the detective agency back together."

a slight chuckle formed in stiles throat, "i guess so." he remembered how you'd both hang out in his bedroom and connect pictures with string on his detective board, until he suddenly noticed something on the back wall of the office. a huge board with pictures connected with red and green string, most of the board was covered in red.

"you still do that?" he asked fondly.

"yep." you nodded.

he wondered over to the board and his eyes trailed over the pictures, "this is good."

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