unspoken connection | liam dunbar

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Ever since starting at a new school, Beacon Hills High School, you didn't feel like you belonged. Being shy and someone who spent most of their time in the library, you didn't really have many friends.

However, there was always one group of people you'd do anything to be friends with— their group was made up of people ranging from extremely intelligent people like Lydia Martin to the lacrosse captain, Scott McCall. Their bond was the envy of most students at the school, plus there was one person in their group in particular that you wished noticed you— Liam Dunbar.

You'd seen him play in lacrosse games and he sat in front of you in a few classes, there was just something about him that made you develop a crush on him.

You thought your chances of ever becoming friends with his group would be impossible, but when you stayed late to study one night after school in the library, everything changed.

Buried deep in text books, you barely noticed Scott McCall enter the library. He was looking around frantically, and suddenly the doors to the library burst open— a huge wolf-like creature bounding towards Scott.

Cowering behind one of the bookcases, you peered between a gap in the books to see Scott's eyes glow bright red. You stumbled back in shock, and accidentally knocked over a few books.

The creature looked in your direction, along with Scott who yelled at you to run.

Without thinking you ran towards the library doors, running for your life. As you ran you turned a corner in the school corridor and bumped into someone.

"Woah!" A voice yelled.

"S-sorry." You stuttered, looking at who you'd ran into. Liam Dunbar.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked, looking concerned.

"Am I okay? There's a huge monster in the library and I just saw a boys eyes change colour!" You exclaimed, panicked.

Liam nodded, "I know how you feel, come on, let me get you home safe."

Everything after that moment was a blur as you tried to figure out what happened, especially how the Liam Dunbar had taken you home and made sure you were okay.

At school the next day, you thought everyone would act like nothing happened but when you sat on your own for lunch like usual, you were surprised that a group of people began to occupy the empty seats around you.

You looked around in awe, Lydia Martin and her boyfriend Stiles Stilinski sat in front of you, whilst Liam Dunbar and Scott McCall sat besides you along with Mason and Corey.

"Um, hi?" You said questionably, wondering why they were sitting with you.

"Hi, y/n!" Lydia smiled.

"Hey." Stiles said, grinning.

"Sorry to sound rude... but why are you all sitting here?" You asked dubiously.

Scott cleared his throat, "well... we're not going to hide what happened last night and we also noticed you sitting alone, so we wanted to join you."

"Oh." You replied.

"So, we should probably explain everything..." Scott began telling you about the supernatural and everything that had been happening in Beacon Hills the past few years.

As you were trying to wrap your head around everything he'd told you, the bell signalling the end of lunch rang.

"I know it's a lot to take in..." Scott said, "but we'll all be around to answer any questions you have."

"Okay." You replied quietly.

"Hey, what class do you have now?" Mason asked as he began to walk with you.

"I actually have a free period so I was gonna study in the library." You said.

"Me too!" He smiled, "wanna study together?"

You weren't exactly going to decline his offer, being friends with them was everything you'd ever wanted, even if they were only your friends because of certain circumstances.

"Sure!" You smiled.

From that moment on, you became friends with them and learned more about their supernatural abilities. You even got to see Liam more, but talking to him proved difficult since both of you were shy.

As time went on, Lydia noticed the looks you both gave each other and she finally decided to do something about it.

"Hey, y/n?" Lydia said as she sat opposite you in the library.

"Yeah?" You said, looking up from your book.

"Well, I can't help that you and Liam have something of an... unspoken connection," she began, "and I'm pretty sure you know what I mean, I think you should talk to him and tell him how you feel."

"I can't just tell him how I feel." You replied.

"Sure you can." Lydia smiled, looking above you and over to where Liam was trying to find a book whilst trying not to listen to your conversation.

"I don't know how." You admitted.

"Well he's over there..." Lydia said, "just say hi."

You turned around and saw him glance over at you before looking back at the books.

"Okay..." you sighed, getting up and walking towards him.

"Hey, Liam." You smiled as he turned towards you.

"Hey, y/n." He smiled as his baby blue eyes met yours.

"So, um, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a while, and I think I should just go for it." You said.

Liam nodded, signalling for you to speak.

"I like you, Liam. I have a while now but I was too nervous to tell you." You admitted.

His lips flickered in a huge grin, "I like you too, y/n... like a lot."

"You do?" You asked, surprised.

"Yeah, ever since that night you ran into me," He chuckled, "I've also always wanted to do this for a while..." he said as he leaned forward, his hands cupping your cheeks gently before pressing his lips against yours.

"Oh, wow." You gasped as he pulled away.

"I definitely regret not telling you sooner," He smirked, "are you free tonight? Because I'd love to take you on a date."

"I'd love that." You smiled.


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