graduation | isaac lahey

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"come on y/n, we're going to be late!" isaac shouted back to you as he ran through the airport towards your departure gate.

"no we're not, slow down!" your breathing was heavy since he'd made you run all the way from gate 1-58 and it was a long distance to run.

"no, we can't miss this plane!" he shouted, people were staring at the both of you now.

isaac was much faster than you due to his werewolf speed but when he finally reached the gate he stopped and turned around.

"we've just made it." isaac said as you got closer to him, you stopped next to him and you had to slow your breathing before you could even reply.

"ok..." you huffed, "can we finally sit down?"

he checked the time of departure and nodded.

"i'm sorry about that... i just couldn't miss this plane, you know how important this is." isaac sighed.

"i know..." you knew it was important because isaac wanted to go to back to his home town of beacon hills for graduation. he'd finished his education in france but somehow he'd managed to convince his teachers to let him graduate in california.

as you sat down isaac sat next to you and took hold of your hand.

"thanks for coming with me, y/n. it means a lot... and i can't wait for you to meet my friends." a small smile twitched at the edge of his lips as he mentioned his friends.

"you miss them, don't you?" you asked, he barely talked about his life back at beacon hills but he did mention his friends.

"yeh... i do miss them, but i'm also really glad i came to france and met you." he smiled.

"i'm glad i met you too, isaac." you squeezed his hand and waited for the gate to open for your flight.


"are you ready?" isaac asked as you were about to step off of the plane.

"i should be asking you that." you laughed.

he shrugged and took hold of your hand as you walked down the steps off of the plane and towards the airport to get your bags.


isaac hailed down a taxi and gave him the address of scott mccall's house.

"why are we going to scott's house?" you asked.

"uh, i kinda lived there before i left for france, i didn't have a home." he said shyly.

"oh." you said quietly.

an hour later the taxi finally pulled up outside of a large family home.

isaac took a deep breath and opened the car door and then came around to your side and opened the door for you.

"thank you." you said.

"no problem." he went and grabbed your bags and you followed him to the mccall's front door.

he hesitated before knocking and then as soon as he did a woman with curly black hair answered the door with a large smile on her face.

"isaac!" she said cheerily and she rushed to hug him, and then she turned to you.

"melissa, this is y/n, my girlfriend." he grinned as he said your name.

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