drive in movie | isaac lahey

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"wanna go somewhere different tonight y/n?" isaac asked as you got in his car.

"sure!" you smiled, you were glad you weren't going to another museum, there was only so much art you could look at.

"great." he smirked, putting his car into drive.

he drove you down a road surrounded by forest, "where are we going?" you wondered.

"you'll see." he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"you know you're acting really creepy-" you stopped as he turned into a side road and saw a huge field full of cars and a large shining screen at the end of the field, "a drive-in?!" you squealed. you'd always wanted to go to one but there'd never been any in beacon hills.

"yeh," he smiled sheepishly, "i know you've always wanted to go to one, so when i saw that there was gonna be one here i brought tickets as soon as they came out."

after isaac parked near the front you leaned over and hugged him, "thank you!" and then you kissed his cheek resulting in him blushing.

he chuckled lightly, "you're welcome."

"wait.. what film is it?" you looked up at the currently blank screen.

"uhh." he murmured, "i have no idea.." he laughed nervously.

you shrugged your shoulders, "oh well," you sighed, "i don't mind, i'm just glad we're here together."

he smiled and wrapped his arm around you.


the movie, which turned out to be an old fashioned romance film, was half way through when isaac started groaning.

"this is so boring." he moaned, resting his head back on his seat.

you looked over at him and saw him looking down at you.

"what?" you asked.

"nothing." a smile was playing on his lips.

"isaac," you teased him, "tell me."

the next moment he was leaning towards you and kissing you, and then he pulled you closer to him.

"come here." he whispered in your ear.

you clumsily climbed over to him and straddled him, shuffling your body into a comfortable position.

"comfy?" he laughed.

"very." you smiled whilst wrapping your arms around him and leaning in towards him to kiss him.

you spent the rest of the movie making out in isaac's car whilst other couples watched the movie oblivious.


after the film had finished you found yourself lying on top of isaac as he'd lowered his seat to be horizontal.

"well," he said, "did you enjoy your first drive-in movie experience?"

you burst out laughing, "of course i did... it was amazing, thank you isaac."


isaac drove you home, when he parked up he turned to look at you, "shall we do this again?"

"really? is there gonna be another drive-in movie?" you said excitedly.

"yeh!" he enthused, "next week actually, but it's a horror film."

you nearly leaped out of your seat with excitement, "i love horror films! maybe we can actually watch the film this time though."

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