scary movies

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you two watch the cabin in the woods, you can't even make it through the whole film without screaming once or twice whenever something happens, when you both go upstairs to bed scott wraps his arms around you to protect you.

although he would never admit it, he is terrified of scary movies so you decide to watch something that isn't that scary. the scream movies. although stiles still finds a reason to jump every time something happens, he usually ends up hiding his head in your shoulder.

isaac chose an old classic, jaws. he didn't find ghosts or monsters particularly terrifying so he picked this one, first he hoped that you'd be scared and seek comfort in his arms but at the end of the movie he ended up in your arms.

liam chooses the paranormal activity films for you two to watch. you find any movies involving ghosts terrifying so you end up nearly jumping into his lap when anything scary happens. liam just laughs and holds you against him tightly.

theo is a fan of scary movies so he chooses the exorcist knowing fully well that you'd never want to leave his side that night because you'd get scared. after watching it you hear a noise outside the window, theo shows you his glowing eyes and tells you that he'll protect you, and putting his arm around you tightly.

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