i just miss her | stiles stilinski

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After your boyfriend, Stiles, didn't show up for school you knew something must've been wrong. He hadn't even texted Scott what was wrong.

When the bell finally rang signalling the end of school you grabbed your bag and raced out of the school, Scott had agreed to drop you off at Stiles' house on his motorbike. 

"Hey, y/n!" Scott yelled, waving over from where he was parked.

You walked over to him and smiled sadly, "hey, Scott." You said as you took the helmet he was holding out to you.

"Y/n... I'm sure he's fine, maybe he just needed some time off, you know?" Scott said sympathetically.

"Maybe." You sighed before placing the helmet on your head and climbing onto the bike behind Scott.

He pulled over outside of Stiles' house and waited for you to get off, handing him your helmet he gave you a wave before driving off.

You knocked on the Stilinski's door and Noah opened the door, he smiled when he saw you, "hey, y/n. Come on in." He said as he opened the door wider, gesturing for you to enter.

You stepped inside and turned around to face the sheriff, "is Stiles okay?"

The sheriff smiled weakly, "he will be now that you're here. He's been in his room all day."

You nodded before heading upstairs, you knocked lightly before entering. Your heart ached as you saw Stiles laying on his bed under the covers, his cheeks glistened with tears.

Wandering over to his bed, Stiles didn't move as you got under the covers besides him. You lay facing him as he opened his eyes and looked at you, his eyes were red from crying... you hated seeing him so sad.

"Hey." You whispered.

"Hey." He replied, wiping his sleeve over his wet cheeks.

You didn't speak for a while as you didn't know what to say, you knew he'd tell you what was wrong if he wanted to.

"I just miss her..." Stiles sighed.

"Miss who, Stiles?" You asked, looking into his eyes that seemed to be filling with more tears.

"My mom..." he whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks making your heart break, "thats why I didn't come to school today."

You didn't know how to reply to him so you simply moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around him, holding him as he cried.

"Thanks for coming, y/n." He said quietly after a moment of silence.

"Of course I came, when you didn't show up today I was really worried." You admitted.

"I'm sorry, y/n," He snivelled, "sometimes I just don't feel like going to school because I just have this... dull ache inside of me this time of year."

"There's no need for you to be sorry, Stiles." You said as you reached up and wiped the tears from his face.

You felt his chest rise and fall as he lay next to you, his head buried in your chest.

"I love you, y/n." He whispered.

"I love you too, Stiles." You replied as you rubbed his back gently, his arms wrapped around you after a while and you both lay together for the rest of the night.

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