the new guy [3] | nolan holloway

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Weeks passed after you had left the hospital and things were seemingly back to normal, the pack looked after you and you spent a lot of time with Nolan too.

At first Scott and Stiles were unsure about Nolan but they decided to give him a chance for you.

After school one day Nolan sidled up to you, "hey, y/n."

"Hey, Nolan." You smiled, looking over at him to find he was already staring at you.

"So, it's been a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go on that date I promised?" He grinned, showing his perfectly white teeth.

In awe you simply nodded, "uh-huh," you struggled to find words as he always took your breath away, "I'd love to."

"Great, what about right now?" He asked, still looking at you as you walked.

"Now? Sure." You smiled.

"Great." He smiled.

After walking for a while you speak again, "so we're walking to wherever you're taking me?"

He nodded, almost looking bashful, "you don't mind do you? After what happened I don't want to ask my dad for the car..."

"It's fine, Nolan." You smile softly.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "good, but don't worry, it's not far."

After a while you reach over and intertwine your hand with his, his grips your hand gently.

Eventually you arrive at a small diner by the side of the road and he leads you towards it, "we're here."

You'd been to the diner a few times with Nolan since he asked you to show him some places when he moved here.

You wondered why he chose the diner until he spoke, "you're probably wondering why we came here... the first time we came here I realised that I really liked you a lot." He admitted.

When he said those words he made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, "really?" Your voice came out as a squeak.

He chuckled lightly, "yes, really."

As you walked inside you found your favourite booth, Nolan slid in opposite you and grabbed a menu, avoiding your eye contact.

You took a menu too and glanced up at him occasionally, watching as his eyes flickered over the menu.

When the waitress came over to take your orders you both ordered the exact same thing, Nolan glanced at you after the waiter left but then his gaze fell onto something behind you.

"Nolan... did I do something wrong?" You asked worriedly.

He didn't look at you but he shook his head, "you haven't done anything, y/n." He muttered.

You furrowed your eyebrows, confused at why he was acting cold all of a sudden.

When your food came you both ate in silence, you couldn't stop wondering what you'd done wrong.

"Nolan." You said, trying to get his attention.

He finally looked at you, "yes?"

"You haven't said anything since we sat down." You noted.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, y/n... its just it kinda took a lot for me to say how I feel about you and when you didn't reply it hurt."

"Oh," you stared at him, "Nolan, I didn't say it back because I didn't think I had to."

His gaze softened slightly as he listened to what you said.

"I really like you a lot, Nolan, from the first time I saw you..." as you spoke you saw his eyes glimmer and a smile flickered over his lips.

You reached over and took hold of his hand, "this is what I want, you and me, Nolan."

His smile widened, "I'm so glad you feel that way, y/n."

The waiter came back with the bill and you reached into your pocket for your purse until he stopped you, "let me."

He pulled out his wallet and left a few crisp notes with the bill.

"Let's go." He said as he held out his hand for you.

You gratefully took it and followed him out of the diner, "where to next?" You asked as you both stood outside of the diner.

"Anywhere, as long as I'm with you." He said as he looked down at you with those piercing blue eyes.

You laughed at how cheesy he sounded, "okay, follow me." You instructed as you pulled him along as you held his hand tightly.

He followed behind you, realising he would indeed go wherever you went because he was falling in love you.

sorry this is really bad but i didn't really know how to continue it!

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