she doesn't remember | stiles stilinski

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It all happened so fast.

One moment you were with the pack, fighting against the new threat that had taken over Beacon Hills, the next you were laying unconscious on the floor.

Everything happened in slow motion for the rest of the pack as they watched you fly across the room after being thrown back by one of the strongest threats they'd ever faced.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, Scott and Stiles rushed over to you and picked you up, knowing exactly where to take you.

Meanwhile Liam and Mason distracted the monster and ran away, taking the monster with them to give Scott and Stiles time to run away.

Once they entered the hospital Scott had you in his arms as Stiles was running behind, adamant that he would stay with you.

Melissa McCall was the first one on the scene, rushing you to the nearest operating room so that the other doctors and nurses could check you over.

She made Scott and Stiles wait outside, pacing the hallways anxiously.

"What if we lose her man..." Stiles muttered, he dreaded to even think of losing you, he had fallen for you months ago but he'd never told you how he felt. He promised himself at this moment he would tell you if... no, when, you pulled through.

"We won't." Scott said, trying to stay positive.

Minutes that felt like hours passed and Melissa came back out to see the boys.

They both looked at her with hope, "so?" They asked at the same time.

"Boys, y/n is going to be fine," Melissa smiled sadly, "there seems to be no internal damage, just some cuts and bruises... she's very strong... but we can't know anything else yet until she wakes up." She continued, seeming to be hiding something.

Stiles nodded, "thanks, Melissa."

She simply smiled at them before turning away, she didn't want to tell them something that could change their lives.

Soon they were able to see you in your room, but you were still unconscious.

Stiles' heart sunk as he saw you, seeing bandages and cuts all over your body, he hated himself for not being able to protect you.

Scott let Stiles go first as he stood at the end of your bed, watching his best friend take hold of your hand.

He barely got any words out before tears began to fall down his cheeks, "oh, y/n..." he sobbed, squeezing your hand lightly, "why did this have to happen?"

Stiles grabbed a chair and Scott did the same as they sat on either side of you, holding your hands.

For days you didn't wake up, the pack became extremely worried. During school days Melissa forced the boys out of the hospital but as soon as school ended they were back, by your side.

One day at the beginning of school, the boys were anxiously watching the clock when Scott's attention was drawn to the window.

You were there with your parents and Melissa, you'd woken up the night before and your parents wanted you to go straight back to school.

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