when you can't sleep

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you call up scott and he comes straight over and chills with you for the night. he has to climb through your window because your parents are home and then he lies next to you and you talk all through the night, until eventually you fall asleep laying on his chest with his arms wrapped around you.

you can't sleep at night so stiles takes you out on a drive around beacon hills in his jeep until he finds a nice secluded spot under the stars and parks his jeep there. he lays out a blanket and pillows and you two lie there together and star gaze. stiles spends the night mumbling about his theories on how aliens do exist and this bores you to sleep. he doesn't notice for a while that you're asleep and keeps talking but when he does notice he wraps his arms around you to keep you close to him whilst you sleep.

when you can't sleep isaac is the first one you call. when he comes over he arrives with hot chocolate from star bucks and a stack of rom-com dvd's which you love. you both then lie in bed with your hot chocolate and watch the films together. the hot chocolate fills you with warmth and makes you sleepy, and you snuggle up to isaac whilst trying to keep your eyes open to watch the films. halfway through the second film you start to drift off to sleep and isaac rubs his hand up and down your back soothingly until you eventually can't stay awake any longer and fall asleep in his arms.

liam arrives at your house straight after you text him saying that you can't sleep, he tells you to put your coat and shoes on over your pyjamas and then he leads you outside where he takes your hand and the two of you take a midnight stroll through beacon hills. no where is usually open at night so there are no lights on any of the streets but it's okay because you have a werewolf to protect you by your side.
the cold air of the night wakes you up and liam suggests going back to his place and hanging out. when you get there you end up playing video games straight through to the morning, and since its a saturday, you both stay in liam's room and fall asleep together.

theo takes you out on his motorbike for a late night drive, a small pancake restaurant stays open until late in beacon hills so he takes you there and you spend the night eating pancakes, listening to the old fashioned jukebox in the corner- which theo plays your favourite song on and convinces you to dance with him to in the middle of the restaurant- and enjoying your time together, talking and dancing through the night.

hope you guys enjoyed these :)
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