ouija board | allison argent

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you and the rest of the pack sat around in a circle in derek's loft, ever since derek left the pack had been given permission to use it and hang out there whilst he was gone. you were all eating pizza from takeaway boxes and talking about normal things for once rather than a new monster in town, until malia bounded in carrying a large square of wood.

"um, malia what is that?" scott asked, turning to watching her.

"an ouija board!" she smiled cheekily, everyone looked at each other cautiously, "come on guys! it'll be fun!" she shoved the pizza boxes to one side and placed it in the middle of the group.

"come on you don't really believe this thing actually works?" stiles scoffed.

"what? are you scared?" malia sneered jokily.

"hah.. no." stiles frowned.

"you guys are so boring, i think it'll be fun." you said, smiling at malia.

kira looked worried, "what if it does work? i mean we live in a world of supernatural creatures..."

lydia looked like she was thinking about something, "well it isn't scientifically proven that they exist so-"

"oh shush, lyds," malia said, "let's get this started!"

"well we all can't do it can we?" you said, making a fair point.

"mm... ok who wants to do it with me?" malia looked expectantly at everyone in the circle but they all avoided eye contact apart from yourself and liam.

"i mean i guess it could be fun." liam shrugged.

"alright, hands on the board guys!" malia seemed way too happy to be playing a game known to be scary and dangerous.

liam, malia and yourself put your hands on the planchette (pointer) in the middle of the board, you looked at the others nervously, "are you sure this works?" you asked malia.

"yes!! trust me." she smiled, before asking the first question.

"is anybody there?" everyone else became silent as they watched with curiosity, minutes ticked by and everyone looked at each other sceptically.

then the planchette began to move towards 'yes' on the board. you nearly took your hand off of the pointer with surprise.

"you moved it didn't you, malia?" liam asked worriedly.

"no i didn't." she said, her jaw dropped as she felt it move again.

"oh man." scott said as he was watching it from outside of the circle.

malia asked another question, "are you an evil spirit?" the planchette slowly moved towards 'yes' before it quickly zoomed across the board to 'no'.

everyone was now staring at you and the others with your hands on the board, "are you a kind spirit?" the planchette moved towards 'yes'.

malia let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

kira was now sitting behind malia, "ask who it is." she whispered into malia's ear.

malia spoke again, "who are we talking to."

the planchette stayed still for a moment, the atmosphere grew heavy.

"i really don't like this guys." mason whispered as he watched the board.

it started moving slowly over the letters of the board, 'a.... l.... l.... i.... s.... o....n' it spelt out.

everyone gasped, lydia couldn't believe what she'd just seen.

"do you think it's really her?" liam said, all of the colour drained from his face.

"yes." you said, you hadn't spoken for a while, but allison was one of your best friends and you could feel your eyes watering.

malia didn't even know what to ask the spirit who called itself allison, so she stayed quiet... until the planchette started moving again.

it spelled out 'i miss you guys'.

"i think it's really her," scott said quietly, "i can feel it."

all of the lights suddenly flickered out in derek's loft and lightning flashed across the huge window's overlooking the city, mason screamed.

"sorry, but this is just too much guys." mason said.

"yeh, malia please can we stop." liam said nervously.

"ok... ok.... we miss you too alli, but we have to do this." she said, moving the planchette to 'goodbye' to shut down the game.

everyone took their hands off of the pointer and breathed a sigh of relief.

"man that was creepy," mason said, everyone stared at him, "sorry but it was."

"i can't believe it was her." lydia said, remembering her best friend.

everyone felt sad after that night, but also somewhat happy that they'd spoken to her again for a short amount of time.

they all packed up the pizza boxes and hugged everyone goodbye, you couldn't quite believe what you'd just witnessed either. malia took the board home with her and promised to get rid of it.

"see you all tomorrow guys." everyone waved and went their separate ways, strangely you could still feel another presence amongst you that you'd felt when playing the ouija board, you shrugged it off and went home.

allison watched from 'the other side' as all of her friends left the loft, she longed to see them again and for them to see her, to speak to them, if only they'd continued playing they would have been able to find out how to bring her back. for now she'd have to struggle with being invisible a while longer.

hope you enjoyed this :)
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