midnight calls | scott mccall

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you heard your phone ring in the middle of the night, and hurriedly went to reject the call before the sound woke your parents up.

but before you rejected it, you saw scott's name flash across the screen.

"scott?" you answered in a hushed tone, worried you'd wake your parents.

"y/n?" you heard scotts voice on the other end of the line. "hey, sorry for waking you up so late... i just needed to talk to you."

"yeh? about what?" you replied, trying not to show your annoyance at being woken up at midnight.

"um.. well. i was going to wait to talk to you face to face, but i couldn't sleep and i wanted to tell you right now."

"mm?" you mumbled, hoping it was something important. you and scott had been best friends for a long time now, but you had no clue what he had to say that he needed to call you at midnight for.

"i.. i'm in love with you, y/n. i've been wanting to tell you for a long time but i've been too nervous to tell you. i'm sorry for waking you up to tell you this, but i can't keep it a secret any longer."

"really?" your voice came out as a high pitched squeak. you couldn't believe it, you had always had more-than-a-friend feelings for scott but were too scared to share them.

"yes.. um i was wondering if you felt the same way? i've always felt there was something else in our friendship-"

you cut him off by saying "i do, i do love you, scott."

you heard a sigh of relief on from scott,
"i'm so glad you feel that way, y/n... look on your balcony.."

you thought that was a strange thing to say but you got out of bed and went over to the doors that led out onto your balcony, and when you opened them scott was standing there with a huge smile on his face.

you ran over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, and without hesitation you kissed him. scott kissed back before slowly pulling away and saying "i love you, y/n."

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