saviour | allison argent

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Being brave was never your strong point, in fact you'd probably describe yourself as the weakest of the pack since you were only human. Your only defence was a gun that Braeden had taught you to use and during some fights that wasn't enough.

The pack had killed the majority of the Oni and now only a few remained, Allison seemed to have everything under control and she thought she had killed the very last one. She turned to you with a smile on her face, not seeing the Oni approaching behind her.

"Allison!" You screamed, running towards her.

A million thoughts rushed through your head but all you could think about was saving her.

She was too slow to turn around, instead you pushed her out of the way and before you knew it the Oni's sword pierced your stomach.

You heard Allison's scream from behind you as you fell to the ground, grasping at the wound in your stomach.

An arrow flew past you and the Oni disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Allison rushed to you and knelt besides you, "oh god... y/n..." she muttered as she took off her jacket and pressed it against the blood pouring from your stomach.

"Allison... it's okay." You looked up at her and tried to smile.

"No, no it's not okay, y/n." She shook her head, looking up to see all of your friends staring at you.

"Scott! Come here!" She yelled, taking hold of your hand whilst the other pressed the jacket against your stomach.

"What can I do?" Scott asked, unsure of what to do as he crouched next to you.

Allison glared at him, "you know what to do, give her the bite!"

Your eyes widened as he looked down at you.

"The bite?!" You whisper-yelled, your voice not being able to rise any higher.

"Allison... I can't give it to her if she doesn't want it." Scott sighed, hearing your heart beat slowing he knew he'd have to do it fast.

Allison looked at you desperately, "I'm not gonna let you die, y/n, I love you too much to let you go- I know that's selfish but it was supposed to be me, not you."

You looked up at Scott, your vision becoming bleary, "alright, do it."

"Are you one hundred percent sure?" He asked.

You nodded, "I'm sure."

Scott grimaced, taking hold of your arm, then glancing at Allison before sinking his fangs into your arm.

Within moments a searing pain rushed through your veins, then suddenly the world went black.

"Y/n?!" Allison panicked as you closed your eyes.

Scott knew he couldn't do anything until you woke up, so he carried you back to his home where he lay you down on his couch and covered you with a blanket as Allison sat on a chair in front of you, waiting for you to wake up.

Hours later you broke out in a sweat and Allison rushed around to get a damp flannel to cool you down.

"Scott?!" She called out, she didn't have to wait long as he was besides her in seconds.

"What's wrong?" He asked, checking your temperature, "ah, that's normal," he smiled, "she's going to be fine."

"She is?" Allison asked hopefully.

He nodded, "yes."

She sighed in relief, "thank you so much, Scott."

He shook his head, "no need to thank me." He replied before heading back up to his room to give you two privacy.

Later in the night when Allison was close to dozing off after an exhausting and stressful day, she saw your eyes flicker open- glowing bright yellow.

"Y/n?" She asked softly, sitting up straight next to you.

You turned to face her, suddenly panicking as you felt strangely different as you could hear things you shouldn't be able to hear and see Allison clearly despite it being extremely dark in the living room.

"Allison... what's happening to me?" You asked, your voice wavering slightly.

"It's okay, y/n... Scott saved you and gave you the bite. He said it's normal whatever you're feeling right now, but I'm going to be here every step of the way." Allison promised, reaching over and taking hold of your hand.

"What if I can't control it?" You worried, looking down at the claws on your fingers.

"Everyone has their struggles with controlling it, y/n... but we're all gonna be here to help you." Allison said, looking into your glowing eyes that were full of fear.

At Allison's reassuring words the glowing eyes dulled and your claws retracted, making you feel normal again.

"Thank you, Allison..." you sighed, still feeling slightly uneasy with your new abilities.

"I should be thanking you," she chuckled slightly, "you're my saviour! You saved me from the Oni, and for that I'll be forever grateful." She smiled.

You shook your head, "well, I couldn't let you die either, I guess I literally took a bullet, or a sword for you." You let out a laugh, causing Allison to laugh too.

"Please, never do that again." She begged.

"I'll try." You shrugged.

"I love you so much, y/n, I mean it- I don't want to lose you." She admitted.

"I don't want to lose you either, Alli, I love you," You smiled, squeezing her hand that was already wrapped around yours, "so much."

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