like this | scott mccall

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Warning: this part may contain some upsetting scenes and storylines.

"Scott, I can't live like this anymore... I hate being stuck here whilst you get to go out and breathe fresh air..." you sigh, it had been months since you had left the hospital bed, you hated it.

Scott tried to remain strong for you but at the end of his visits you could tell he stood outside of your room crying, he thought it was his fault that you were here. You were sick before he gave you the bite, and for a while it worked. But then things started to go wrong and you ended up back in the hospital. The doctors had tried everything and your friends had even tried supernatural cures yet it didn't help.

Scott hated seeing you lying there, your skin had gone pale and you could barely do anything.

"Y/n, please... I need you to wait just a little longer..." he pleaded, even though he knew there was nothing else to try.

"Scott..." your voice was weak and quiet, but you needed to say it, "I can't do this anymore, I can't live like this... I want you to help me." You reached out to place your hand on top of his as he sat on a chair next to you.

"Y/n..." his eyes started to water as he shook his head, "you know I can't."

You breathed in and your breath rattled, "Scott... I need you to do this, I want you to."

Scott remained silent, he couldn't bare to live without you.

"Please? I would get on my knees and beg you, but I can't." You sighed.

"Y/n, I can't answer that right now." He looked away from you, you could tell he was on the verge of tears so you didn't press him any further.

"I love you, Scott." You attempted to squeeze his hand but you you were too weak.

He looked at you then and a tear fell down his cheek, "I love you too, and I'm sorry I barely said it when we were together, I just thought..."

"I know." You smiled slightly, you thought after he'd bitten you that you'd be able to grow old with Scott and do all of the typical romantic things couples do, but your health deteriorated and now you were here. Stuck in the hospital.

Scott got up out of his chair, leaning down to kiss your forehead, "I'll be back later, okay? There's something I have to do." He walked out of your room and disappeared.

You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, you weren't in any pain but you knew your body was shutting down slowly. You didn't know how long you had left but you didn't want to keep living in the hospital, and that's why you wanted Scott's help.

Meanwhile Scott drove to his best friends house, where he went every day after seeing you. Stiles consoled him and told him everything would be alright, even though he knew inside that it wouldn't. Everyone knew, yourself and Scott knew, but it didn't change their decision to remain optimistic.

Scott walked into Stiles home and saw his best friend waiting for him with his arms wide open, he hugged his friend and let the tears fall.

"How is she?" Stiles asked.

"Not good... she asked... she asked me to help her die, man. I can't do that." Scott began to shake uncontrollably as he cried into his best friends t-shirt.

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