motel california | isaac lahey

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the sound of the engine in stiles jeep shuddered to a stop, isaac groaned.

"i knew we shouldn't have borrowed stiles jeep" he complained.

you slumped down in the passenger seat, the jeep had to break down in the middle of nowhere didn't it?

isaac got out of the jeep and opened the hood of the engine.

you could hear him mumbling swear words from outside, you got out and and went around to join him, isaac was staring at the engine in disbelief. smoke was pouring from the gaps between the duct tape, even in this situation you smiled to yourself about how stiles fixed his jeep.

"great, we're in the middle of nowhere-" he took his phone out of his back pocket and grumbled, "and there isn't even any cell reception!"

"calm down, isaac! i'm sure we can sort it out, maybe if we just walk a little further down this road we can find a fuel station or a motel."
he looked over at you, exasperated. he couldn't handle situations like this, he got stressed out.

he groaned, again and started walking away from the smoking jeep, "stiles is gonna kill me, y/n, it's his most prized possession."

"no he won't, isaac. the jeep is always breaking down, did you see the amount of duct tape on that thing?!" you laughed to yourself.

that earned a laugh from him at least. you caught up with him, his long strides making it hard to keep up with him.

"look if we find somewhere we might be able to get signal and call a repair guy to come fix it-" isaac cut you off.

"you know stiles would never allow anyone to touch his jeep, we should just call him." isaac sighed.

"alright, but first we need to find a motel or something first." you suggested.

about 20 minutes later a flickering neon sign came into view, a large arrow stating 'motel' that was pointing to a drab building.

"better than nothing i guess." you sighed, and it didn't exactly look like it was modern either... meaning no cell signal.

you both walked hesitantly into a small building attached to the side of the main building with another neon sign, 'book a room here!'

you didn't understand why anyone would want to stay there but you guessed you really had no other choice. it was this or stay in stiles jeep and that wasn't a great option either, sleeping in a jeep with the engine releasing smoke? you didn't think so.

isaac walked into the small building, an elderly woman was sat at a small desk in the corner, there was no sign of anyone else working there and there was no other furniture in the room either.

"can i help you?" the woman spoke, sounding annoyed. did she not want any customers to stay here?

isaac cleared his throat, "uh... can we get a room with two beds please?"

the woman looked at you both sceptically, scoffing at the thought of you and isaac wanting two separate beds. you were just friends. well as far as isaac was concerned. you'd kind of had feelings for him for a while now but you didn't want to ruin your friendship and you didn't know how isaac felt either.

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