ressurecting allison argent [2]

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this is just a short imagine on how the other characters would react to meeting resurrected allison.

"Liam there's someone I'd like you to meet..." Scott said as he stepped aside, revealing a stunning girl with brown hair that tumbled past her shoulders, wearing a navy blue dress and thigh high, black boots. She smiled at the young boy who's jaw dropped as he looked at her, "this is Allison." Scott smiled.

"The Allison?" Liam asked, still in awe.

"Yep," The girl said, her voice sounded like music to the young boys ears, he thought that she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, "it's nice to meet you, Liam." She held out her hand and he took it quickly, shaking it gently.

"Scott's told me a lot about you." He grinned as he glanced between Scott and Allison, Scott glanced at Allison as if she'd never been gone, it was clear by the look in his eyes that he was still in love with her.

"I wish I could say the same, but I've only been back for day... so..." she blushed slightly.

"That's okay, listen, you'll have to meet my best friend, Mason. He'll be over in a few minutes, we were going to spend the day gaming but this is way more interesting!" He exclaimed.

"Calm down, buddy." Scott chuckled.

"Sorry." He said, although he didn't really mean it, someone had just come back from the dead after all.

Soon enough Mason walked through the door of Liam's house and straight into his living room, "hey, man! what game are we- whoa!" Mason stepped back as he realised there was a girl in his room alongside Scott.

"Mason, this is-" Liam started but Mason shook his head.

"Allison. But you're dead?" He asked, his brain was running through all sorts of possibilities until Scott spoke.

"We, um, bought her back to life." He stated.

"I noticed." Mason nodded quickly, still trying to comprehend the fact that this girl was alive.

"How did you know my name?" Allison asked, looking at Mason.

"Well, after Scott and Stiles told me about you I always pictured you like, well, this." He gestured towards her.

"I hope that's a good thing." She laughed, her nose scrunched up slightly which made her look adorable.

Mason nodded, "definitely a good thing."

"Okay, good." She smiled at the boy who was staring back at her, astounded at how she was alive.

"We'll explain another time, but we thought we'd introduce her to everyone before she goes back to school." Scott said.

"Back to school? Are you kidding? How are you going to explain that?!" Mason blurted out a million questions and Allison looked at Scott.

"He's got a point." She shrugged.

"I'll think of something." Scott said.

"Well, it's really nice to meet you, Allison." Mason held out his hand and she shook it, he sat down and continued to stare at her in awe, glancing at Liam occasionally as if to say 'can you believe it?'

They got to know Allison and they told her about themselves and how Mason was the beast at one time and how she'd saved Scott, which Scott forgot to mention.

"I saved you?" She asked, slightly confused.

"Yeh... again, a story for another time." He smiled sadly.

"What's wrong, Scott?" Allison turned to face him, Mason and Liam took the opportunity to leave to let them have some time alone.

"Nothing... it's just I was thinking about how much I love you." He looked down at his hands as he fidgeted with the bottom of his t-shirt.

"Oh, Scott. I love you too." She reached out and placed her hands over his.

"There's a slight problem..." he trailed off.

"Kira? Look, Scott. I think you should be with whoever your heart chooses, I won't mind if you choose her." Allison assured him.

"But my heart already chooses you." He sighed.

Allison reached up and tilted Scott's face upwards to look at her, she leaned forwards and kissed him slowly, "I love you, Scott McCall."

"I love you, Allison Argent." A smile spread across his lips before she kissed him again.

Sorry but Scallison was my first otp (as well as Stydia) and I can't with them

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