drunk stiles [2]

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"mm." stiles groaned at the sun peeking in from the gap in his blinds as it shone in his eyes as he woke up, squinting. his head felt groggy and his whole body was numb. his eyebrows pulled together, trying to figure out why there was pressure on his chest. he looked down and saw a delicate, small hand with painted fingernails.

those aren't mine, he frowned, twisting his head to see you lying behind him, sleeping peacefully. oh, he thought. then he panicked, wondering if something had happened between the two of you, his mind crawling with anxiety of how he could have possibly ruined your friendship. of course he wanted more than a friendship, but he'd never tell you. at least that's what he thought.

he lifted your hand off of him gently and rolled out of bed, he looked at how beautiful you were, he grabbed the blanket and lay it over you. he tiptoed out of his room, stepping over the beer cans and piles of clothes, creeping into his bathroom. he ran the cold water and splashed his face, waking himself up. then he grabbed a glass and filled it with water, along with grabbing some paracetamol. swallowing the pills with the water he wandered back into the bedroom, his head still feeling slightly foggy.

he lay down next to you, leaving a large space. he lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. trying to remember the night before he jogged his memory, grabbing his phone he scrolled through his sent messages, noting nothing out of the ordinary only that he'd invited you over. he exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself down, he threw his phone to the floor and turned to face you. reaching over he gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.

it somehow calmed him, watching you, the slight rise and fall of your chest as you slept. he noticed more details than he'd ever noticed about you, memorising every aspect of your face. it was that moment when he was looking at you sleeping so peacefully that he realised he wanted to wake up to your face everyday for the rest of his life. he remembered.

"but i love you, y/n." he'd said.

he'd waited for you to say it back, he'd always wanted to hear you say those three little words to him. he'd given up hope until he was on the verge of falling asleep and he heard them, the three words.

"i love you, too."

he smiled then, his eyes lighting up as he remembered that you'd told him that you love him. his eyes watered slightly with happiness, he couldn't believe it.

"stiles?" you murmured as you felt him staring at you, as he had been for awhile.

"yes?" he asked a little too excitedly.

"you're staring." you whispered.

"sorry, i was just thinking." he said quietly.

"about what?" you said sleepily, smiling slightly.

"you." he said simply.

"me?" you opened your eyes slightly now, staring back at the cutest boy you'd ever seen, his dark brown eyes were looking deeply into yours, his brown hair sticking up in multiple directions.

"i remembered what happened last night." he mumbled.

"oh?" you asked, your voice rising slightly.

"i remember that you said i love you." he grinned.

you opened your eyes fully now, taking in the boy laying in front of you, "is that so?" you smirked.

"i love you, y/n. i'm sorry i haven't said it earlier." he smiled, his eyes sparkled with all of the hope in the world.

"i love you too, stiles." you smiled, he leaned over and kissed your forehead.

"i know this is soon... but i want to wake up every morning with you here." he said seriously.

you smiled back at him, "i wouldn't have it any other way."

enjoy! :)

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