a late night confession | stiles stilinski

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"stiles?" you whispered into the darkness as you entered his home late one night after he called you up asking you to come over.

"i'm up here, y/n." you heard his voice call from his bedroom upstairs.

you walked upstairs quickly as he seemed distressed on the phone. the door was open slightly, you hesitantly pushed it open to reveal stiles sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

he looked up as you walked towards him, the floorboards creaking underneath your feet.

"hey, y/n." he said whilst patting the space next to him.

you sat down next to him gingerly, feeling nervous around him because you had feelings for him even though he had a girlfriend, malia.
"what's wrong, stiles?"

"malia... she broke up with me." his voice broke at the end of the sentence.

you reached out slowly and placed your hand on his arm, he looked over at you then, his dark brown eyes looked sad for a moment before he truly looked at you. his lips twitched into a small smile.

"thank you... for being here for me." he looked away for a moment before looking back at you, a look of recognition crossed his face.

"i thought i loved her. i thought she was the one. but i was only making myself believe that... because i had feelings for you and i knew you'd never reciprocate those feelings for me." he said sadly.

"why would you think that, stiles?" you asked, confused.

"you were too good for me and i never felt worthy of you." he looked away then, a pink flush spreading across his cheeks.

"stiles... i've been in love with you since the third grade-" you cut yourself off then, unsure how to go on.

"wait- what?" his voice rose an octave, excitement filling his voice.

"i... i love you, stiles stilinski." you said.

he jumped up then, pulling you up on your feet too, he grabbed you around the waist, lifted you up and spun you around, until he suddenly stopped and placed you down gently, removing his hands from around your waist.

"i shouldn't have done that, i'm sorry." he stuttered, still a little flushed around his cheeks.

you smiled then, and placed your hand on his cheek, forcing him to look up at you, "it's okay, stiles."

he placed his hand over yours before pulling it away from his face. without hesitation he leaned towards you and kissed you, at first you were close to pulling away from him due to the shock but then you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

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