dating lydia would include

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- sharing each other's clothes, putting on mini fashion shows in each other's rooms anytime you go out.

- helping her to use her banshee powers.

- her doing your makeup.

- being close to all of the pack members.

- hot make out sessions in empty classrooms or offices in school.

- being protective of each other.

- helping each each other study, but mainly lydia helping you because she's extremely smart.

- cute romantic dates.

- being best friends and girlfriends, doing everything together.

- going to the mall.

- movie night every friday, snuggling up in bed together.

- stiles still being a lil jealous anytime he sees you guys making out.

- coffee shop dates.

- her mom being sceptical at first but then accepting you as one of her daughters.

- comforting her when the screams in her head get too much.

- helping her get through the death of allison and her never being quite the same.

- visiting her lake house, watching the stars whilst laying outside in blankets.

- taking a boat out on the lake.

- hosting parties together.

hope you guys liked this one :)
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