lacrosse boy | brett talbot

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Being Stiles' younger sister had its perks, you got to know all of the hot guys on the lacrosse team, learn all about their supernatural powers and most importantly- go to their away games where you could ogle at the one and only Brett Talbot all day.

You'd never officially met him, only the occasional glance at each other when you cheered from the stands.

Brett noticed you, of course he did, how could he not? The only thing stopping him from talking to you was that he knew you were the younger sister of Stiles, and that would mean being watched 24/7 by your brother and his best friend who was an extremely powerful alpha.

But one day, at a game at Beacon Hills high school, he decided to take a chance and talk to you since he noticed Stiles was nowhere to be seen.

You were sitting in the bleachers as usual when you noticed someone sit next to you, "hey."

When you turned around your heart beat sped up when you spotted him, "hi!"

"I'm Brett." The boy beamed, a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke.

"Y/n." You replied.

"Y/n..." he smiled, "that's a pretty name, I always see you at our games, you must really like lacrosse." He laughed.

"Oh! Well, I come to watch my brother... Stiles, but I did notice you're an amazing player too." You replied, smiling.

"Thanks," he grinned, "but I don't see your brother here today?"

"No... my friend Liam is actually playing today so I came to support him too." You said, noticing Liam watching you from the sidelines, Stiles probably made him look out for you.

"Ah," Brett chuckled, "anyway, I was wondering if there was any chance you'd like to hang out after the game?"

"I'd love that." You replied, a smile flickering across your lips.

"Great." He smirked, his coach called him back to the game but he made sure to wave at you before he left.

After the game finished you waited in the bleachers for Brett to return from the locker room, you expected to be waiting a while but only five minutes later he returned to the pitch wearing a grey t-shirt and black jeans with multiple tears in them- presumably from many werewolf fights.

He had his lacrosse bag slung over his shoulder as he wondered over to you, "ready?"

"Of course, where are we going?" You asked.

"There's a little cafe that serves the best milkshakes nearby, it's probably still open." He grinned, holding his hand out for you.

"Sounds great." You smiled.

As you both walked together hand in hand, neither of you talked, it was a nice silence where nothing needed to be said.

Once you both arrived he guided you towards a small booth in the back, followed by a middle-aged waiter who asked for your orders.

The waiter wouldn't stop staring at you as he asked for Brett's order, "so, uh, young man- your order?" He asked as he glanced at Brett before looking back at you.

"My face is over here, sir, I'd appreciate it if you didn't stare at a girl much younger than you like that." He said sternly, leaving the man to glare at Brett, quickly take his order and leave.

"Sorry about that." Brett said.

"No, thank you. That was pretty uncomfortable." You admitted.

Soon a different waiter appeared and brought over your orders, two milkshakes and burgers.

After finishing your burgers you tried the milkshakes, "mm, these are actually pretty good." You smiled over at him.

"I know right." He chuckled, he couldn't stop looking at you as he admired how pretty you looked.

"You know, you're extremely pretty." He blurted out.

"Oh! Thank you." You replied, feeling a slight blush appear on your cheeks.

"No problem, it's true." He smiled softly, something people would rarely see since he was usually always smirking.

On the way back to the school, the cold air got to you and you shivered slightly.

Brett shrugged off his jacket and placed it around your shoulders.

"Are you sure? It's pretty cold." You said quietly.

"I'm a werewolf, I'm fine." He laughed.

"Oh, right." You laughed.

"Thank you." You smiled up at him.

"No problem." He said softly.

When you got to your car he opened your door for you and turned to you, "I really enjoyed tonight."

"Me too, thank you for taking me." You replied, looking up at him since he was extremely tall.

"Maybe we could do it again sometime soon?" He asked hopefully.

"I'd love that," You smiled, stepping onto your tiptoes and kissing his cheek lightly, "see you soon, Brett."

"See you, y/n." He grinned as you got into your car and drove off.

again, this was requested! hope you enjoyed it :)

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