they defend you/ save you

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requested by @MarthaBelin - originally 'humiliated in front of them' but i changed it up a bit :)

Working at the vets helping Deaton was the one thing that made you happy, helping animals had always been your passion.

There was also another reason why you loved it so much, Scott McCall.

Every time you walked in to the vets he'd always be there with a smile on his face. It was the highlight of your day seeing that smile.

Except one night when you were working late and a drunk customer came in to collect their pet, he was nowhere to be found.

The bell above the door rang and you looked up to see a middle aged man stumbling inside, once he spotted you he grinned, "I'm here... to collect my cat."

You nodded, "the name?"

"Cat." He laughed to himself and then leaned against the desk.

You searched through the papers on the desk and couldn't find anything called 'Cat.'

"I'm sorry, sir. We don't have any residents called 'Cat.' Is there another name you may have registered your cat under?" You asked, wary of his drunken state.

He groaned, "are you thick? I said Cat!"

"I know, sir, but your cat isn't here..." you said, trying to stay calm.

"Listen, woman, I want my cat!" He raised his voice and slammed his fist on the table.

"Please calm down, sir." You insisted.

He leaned across the desk, the stench of whisky filling your nostrils made you want to gag, "where. is. my. cat?" he said, pausing between each word, letting the smell of his breath resonate.

"Give me one moment, please." You said, stepping back and reaching for the phone.

"Who are you calling? My cat?" He asked, stumbling over.

"The vet." You replied.

You stepped further back and lowered your voice as the person you dialled picked up.

"Hello?" Scott said on the other end.

You felt a hint of relief, "Scott, can you please get here as soon as possible? There's a drunk man here and he's getting a little aggressive..."

"I'll be right there." He said, already on his way as soon as he heard the fear in your voice.

Within minutes the bell rang again and Scott walked in, his eyes locked on you, worried.

Then he looked over at the drunken man, "is there a problem here?"

The drunk man nodded, "yes, actually. I want my cat and this woman won't give me my cat!"

Scott nodded curtly, "sir, I'm sorry but we don't have your cat. I'm going to escort you outside, there's a taxi waiting for you."

The man groaned as Scott guided him outside and into the taxi, before making his way back inside.

He sighed, "you okay?"

You nodded, "yeah... just a little uncomfortable."

He smiled slightly, "me too."

You laughed slightly, "I'm about to close up now, you wouldn't fancy getting some pizza with me...?"

Scott smiled, "I'd love that."

Stiles always looked out for you, even though it wasn't his job to do so.

It was always a one sided crush, or so he thought. He'd fallen in love with his best friend who had a jerk for a boyfriend.

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